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Gardening At The ARC

Gardening At The ARC


  Despite the cold weather several members from our two clubs helped with some early Spring gardening at the Dorset ARC (Assault Referral Centre) in Bournemouth. Luckily staff at the Centre provided warm drinks which helped prevent frostbite!

Celebrating Science-A Challenge For Girls

Celebrating Science-A Challenge For Girls


We are currently seeking sponsors for our exciting STEM project-Science Technology Engineering and Maths.This is a challenge for girls attending local schools in Key Stages 3 and 4.The challenge aims to raise awareness of a National Problem-a shortage of girls and young women choosing to study STEM subjects at School,University and following  through to a career. The Challenge runs from October 2012 to the end of February 2013 with judging in March.The prize giving for the winners will be presented by Roma Agrawal, the award winning Young Structural Engineer who was involved with The Shard Construction in London. The presentations will be held at The B.I.C, Bournemouth on 18th May. We have eleven teams taking part in the challenge and strong support from local companies who have provided not only funding but also judges for the competition. The nature of the challenge involves creating a solution to help




We are starting The New Year off with a Fun Quiz Night in aid of Celebrating Science- our competition for local secondary schools to encourage girls to consider science as a career. Tickets are £10 a head and include a Fish & Chip Supper (with alternatives). It is to be held at Talbot House, Bournemouth University Campus on Friday 18th January, and starts 6.30 for 7pm. to get in touch for tickets please contact us on We look forwards to a great evening.

Inspired in Belfast

Inspired in Belfast


The Annual Friendship Lunch Several Club Members attended the 78th Federation Conference in Belfast.We met up with many friends and were inspired by the speakers.We even found time to visit the famous National Trust property in central Belfast.Yes,its a pub! and one of my favourites. So hello to everyone we partied with from -Penrith, Lurgan, Dhaka, Dunfermline,Grenada  and hope to see you next year.

Soroptimists Inspire Action

Soroptimists Inspire Action


These crochet squares are a good example of just one way we inspire action. Maureen,one of our members, is a volunteer with the Charity “Contact The Elderly”. One Sunday, at a Contact Tea,Maureen got talking about what else she does as a Soroptimist,and mentioned the Women’s Refuge. It didn’t take long before Joan ,who is 93,got out her crochet hook and made these squares .The question now is whether to auction, sell them or give them to the Refuge to provide a homely touch for some of the women who have had to leave their homes. Also a brilliant example of one generation helping another.

0800 555 111-Crimestoppers Against Forced Marriage

0800 555 111-Crimestoppers Against Forced Marriage


At our August meeting we were all encouraged to put this number into our mobiles by Russell Oaten,Chair of Dorset Crimestoppers. He gave a very revealing talk about Crimestoppers, relating its history and current use in detecting and preventing crime. The success of this national organisation is down to its reputation for complete anonimity and the use of modern technology which actually prevents any calls made to the number above from being traced.This allows people who do not wish to be identified to report crimes or other suspicious matters without getting involved with the authorities. As a result,the police can use the information in a variety of ways,often adding it to their own intelligence reports. Drugs,Trafficking and Child Pornography have all been reported via the system and numerous arrests are made. We were fascinated to hear that many instances of  fear of  forced marriage were

Meyrick Park -Family Fun Day

Meyrick Park -Family Fun Day


Well it wasn’t only the families who had fun. We raised £411 for our Bangladesh Projects with a splendid tombola and lolly stall. Plenty of ort members came to help and we all had a great time in brilliant sunshine,persuading people to part with a £ or two. Here are some of the photos from the day.

Hats In The Garden

Hats In The Garden


            Yes, this was Summer,or at least the only really sunny day recently. Here is a selection of unplanned sunhats worn at Val’s Garden Party,in aid of our 75th Anniversary Science Project. We enjoyed the “cold collation” in Val’s beautiful rural garden,good company and a really lovely day out in this scenic part of Dorset.Thanks Val for all the fun and food!

Jubilee Fun

Jubilee Fun


Some of our regular volunteers with Bournemouth Contact The Elderly, provided a very special Jubilee Party on a particularly sunny Sunday afternoon recently at the home of one of our members. A chat,sitting in the garden was an unexpected treat as some of the guests live in flats and are unable to enjoy fresh air as they would wish. Hilda who was the host for the afternoon said, ” It was so gratifying to see this small group invigorated by company. We had a super afternoon” The specially decorated cakes were also appreciated in the usual way.The visitors enjoyed themselves so much that they wanted to keep their party hats as  souvenirs!

Swishing For The Refuge

Swishing For The Refuge


Our Club was delighted when we heard that the Friends of Bournemouth Womens Refuge had been chosen by the Mayor, Cllr Chris Rochester as one of his charities this year. To raise funds,a  “Swishing ” event was held in a local hotel-where members of the public bring their unwanted but elegant clothes for sale,and hopefully go home with replacement items for their wardrobes ! Several Members from our Club volunteered to help with the organising and here they are with the Mayor and Mayoress enjoying the evening.   Over £1,500 was raised,and a third of this will go toward the Friends of the Womens Refuge.