Two recycling initiatives featured at a recent meeting of Soroptimist International, Crosby.

Firstly, Margaret Emsley spoke about the Diamond Education Grant (DEG).
This charity awards grants to women who need to update their skills, or acquire new ones, so they have a better chance of obtaining employment or promotion. Women who have overcome personal challenges may find they are particularly successful in obtaining a grant.
The DEG was set up by our Federation – Soroptimist International, Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI). Applicants don’t have to be Soroptimists – but they must live in one of the countries within SIGBI. Margaret is a Trustee of the charity.
Of course, demand always outstrips supply! The DEG team have to make hard choices each year as they assess the applicants. Margaret therefore commended SI Crosby for taking part in the ‘Recycling for Good Causes‘ scheme. This raises much-needed funds – funds that benefit women’s education.
Secondly, many Soroptimists brought old and unwanted bras to the meeting.
In Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the charity Against Breast Cancer makes special efforts to promote their bra banks. Through their textile recovery project these bras help raise money for vital breast cancer research.
Crosby Soroptimist Elspeth Cooper took a bagful to the bra bank in Formby.