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In response to President Sue’s theme of ‘Think on it and her request for all clubs to hold at least one event which promotes wellbeing, one of our members organised a speaker from MIND for our dinner meeting last Thursday. Louise Ferro is responsible for the development of mental health services for Coventry and Warwickshire Mind This new project which is called Rise is being set up to provide emotional wellbeing and mental health services for children and young people in Coventry and Warwickshire.. The website for the project is:

Loves Me, Loves Me Not Campaign

Loves Me, Loves Me Not Campaign


Jean Nutt (Soroptimist International Central Birmingham) gave us an overview of her Loves Me, Loves Me Not presentation that she uses in schools to raise awareness of what a healthy relationship should feel like.   The talk is aimed at years 8-11 (13-16 year olds) in an effort to reduce the risk of young people entering into an abusive relationship, being groomed or trafficked.   It covers any relationships/diversity considerations and asks students to consider how they behave themselves, think about the behaviour of others towards them then to question whether they are treating each other appropriately.   Jean’s former profession as a teacher has helped to inform her approach to delivering a presentation of this type to students of this age range.  She has found ways of role-playing situations, using humour to draw attention to the points she is making.  Her work supporting her

Kenilworth Community in Action

Kenilworth Community in Action


We had a great time at the Kenilworth Community in Action event, chatting to other volunteer groups and the general public about what we get up to as Soroptimists in our area. Our calendar from the 16 Days of Action certainly generated lots of discussion, we also displayed the other things we’ve done in the past year plus our international project HOOP

January Dinner meeting with Mary-Ann Stephenson

January Dinner meeting with Mary-Ann Stephenson


Mary-Ann Stephenson spoke about her work with the Women’s budget Group, aiming towards a gender equal future.  She spoke eloquently on how research has shown the adverse impact of various changes to the benefits system has had on lower income families, and single mums with disabled children in particular.   It was good to learn that the Women’s Budget Group are doing their best to lobby Government Departments about these issues. Mary-Ann has worked for women’s equality and human rights for over twenty years as a campaigner, researcher and trainer. She was previously Director of the Fawcett Society and a Commissioner on the Women’s National Commission. She is a founder member of Coventry Women’s Voices and a board member at Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre. She has a PhD in Law from the University of Warwick.