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Always happy to help!

Always happy to help!


We really appreciated the visit from two of the managers from our local Refuge at the February meeting. It is good to be kept up to date with the latest developments both with the Dispersed Housing and Refuge Accommodation and we’re always moved by the commitment of the staff who come to speak to us. We’re happy to help.

What cheers us all up in February? Two new members, that’s what!

What cheers us all up in February? Two new members, that’s what!


At our February meeting we were delighted to welcome Pauline and Gill to SI Kenilworth and District. From their introductory speeches it was clear that they both bring a wealth of skills and enthusiasms with them. Whether they dive straight in or take their time to find their niche in the Club, there are so many ways to contribute, they are bound to find something that is just up their street.  

What Difference Can One Day Make?

What Difference Can One Day Make?

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If it’s the 25th November, the answer is – A Lot! The 25th November marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls. It’s the day we begin our 16 Days of Activism but it’s also the day for other groups to make their stand in making the world a safer place for women and girls. November 25th is White Ribbon Day – when men show their year-long commitment to ending violence against women and girls.             An increasing number of men and boys are feeling empowered to make this pledge to help change the harmful attitudes and behaviours that contribute to VAWG.    BBC News  reported on the Milton Keynes 5th Annual White Ribbon Vigil held on 25th November under the national theme, “It starts with men” Find out more about White Ribbon here:- Here in

What Makes a Dark Day Brighter?

What Makes a Dark Day Brighter?

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The Thought of an End to Violence Against Women and Girls With the colour orange representing hope for a violence-free future for women and girls, preparations began for an Orange Cafe to launch our 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence.                 And at our local community cafe, what a launch it was! Co-President Amanda was delighted to welcome local councillors, representatives from fellow voluntary agencies and from Warwickshire Refuge Services.   Amanda with Cllr Andrew Milton and Club member Debra. Andrew was proud to wear our orange and white campaign ribbon, which symbolises the link between the aims of Soroptimists and the White Ribbon Organisation in eliminating violence against women and girls. Read more about White Ribbon here  And Andrew’s daughter Hollie spotted a leaflet with her name on it! This leaflet provides information about the “Hollie Guard”

How one BID is supporting women in the workplace

How one BID is supporting women in the workplace

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Paul Street, Project Manager for Safe and Sound, Colmore Business Improvement District #colmorebusinessimprovementdistrict provided much for us to think about at the November ’24 business meeting. He is a community safety expert coordinating highly practical projects within Colmore BID, to improve the working environment for those working in the local area, both on the street and within the businesses themselves. Focuses include safety on the street, women’s safety, the prevention of sexual harrassment at work and others. The BID brings in support from specialist groups to lead projects and these are funded by the businesses themselves.He also acts as an ambassador for the Hollie Gazzard Trust #holliegazzardtrust and promotes the use of the Hollie Guard app #hollieguard as an aid to personal safety.Paul’s commitment to the improvement of conditions for women in the workplace was abundantly clear and he was a very welcome guest. Many thanks to him and to

Lest we forget

Lest we forget

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At 11.00 am on Sunday 10th November, Kenilworth took two minutes to pause and remember. Standing at the War Memorial we could all read the names engraved there, of those local townspeople who lost their lives in war. Townspeople like us, and our neighbours. It was, as it always is, an emotional moment of quiet in a noisy world. There were very many wreaths laid at the foot of the memorial, by the very many societies and organisations that play such  an important part of life in Kenilworth and make our town the vibrant community it is. SI Kenilworth  and District Soroptimists were represented by joint president Amanda. The day had been drizzly earlier on, but the sky cleared for the march off and we all headed off home but we had remembered and we will not forget.

What did you do on your holidays?

What did you do on your holidays?

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    Our resourceful sister Sharon is presently in Madagascar. In the midst of her holiday preparations, she decided she couldn’t fly away from life here in Kenilworth without taking something to people who have so much less than we do. Here’s the message Sharon posted. Aren’t these wonderful pictures of the children and staff at the children’s home Akany Avoko Ambohidratrimo Bevalala Ofisialy with the toiletries she took , provided by SI Kenilworth and District. Sharon Whatsapped: “So proud to be a member of this fantastic sisterhood. At v. short notice (lack of planning on my part didn’t constitute an emergency for them) I bought enough toiletries to fill a very large bag(12kg) to take to a children’s home here in Madagascar. It was truly humbling to see how grateful they were for items we take for granted.” As always we are proud of

Something to celebrate.

Something to celebrate.


Our four friends and Club members were awarded their long service certificates at October’s meeting – Ann Pitt and Trish Bennett for 25 years, Georgie Larson-Archer for 35 years and Anne Jones for 40 years. As Amanda Jones, our joint president, said, as she made the presentations, these are all women of great kindness and we paused to reflect on all the many many women who will have benefitted from the work of these four. It is really remarkable to think about this and we were all proud to celebrate with our sisters in Soroptimism.

Betty Mash, a shining example of a Soroptimist

Betty Mash, a shining example of a Soroptimist

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We’re feeling sad but oh so proud that one of our longest standing members, Betty Mash,  has passed away. Tricia, with the help of one of Betty’s longest standing Soroptimist friends, Marion, has written this beautiful piece for her family If anyone was the definition of the phrase ‘a woman of substance’, it was Betty Mash who sadly passed away on the 4th September in a local nursing home, just short of her 97th birthday. In her life, Betty was a true trail blazer for women, embodying all that women can achieve in their lives. At school, Betty had excelled at sport, especially in running. Deciding on a police career, she entered a profession completely dominated by men, having to be tough and stoic at a time when the majority of women were not expected to be focussed on their careers.  In 1957 Betty became