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AGM 2023-4

Outgoing President Jenny looked back on her two years in office. She was pleased that her aim of promoting friendship during her presidency had been successful in many ways. Although the move to the new venue was prompted by financial considerations, it had the knock-on effect of making our meetings more sociable, enabling members to mingle before and after meetings. Jenny also emphasised that the club has been successful in raising funds, raising awareness and working in partnerships with the community and other organisations to improve the lives of women and girls both locally and in Tanzania. She reminded everyone that the club needed members to step up to fill roles on the Executive as well as to lead/coordinate projects.

Salisbury Women’s Refuge

Caroline Probert, Chair of Trustees at Salisbury Women’s Refuge, spoke to the club prior to being presented with £520 from the proceeds of our quiz night. She described how the refuge can accommodate up to seven single women and five women with children. They all share the common areas, kitchen, bathrooms, living room and garden, which allows women to support each other and grow in confidence during their stay.

Our donation will go towards a new initiative, Play Therapy, which aims to help children cope with and overcome the trauma they have undergone, and allow them to integrate into a normal life. There has already been success in getting a child who was refusing to attend school, back into the classroom and enjoying his education! Therefore we can be confident that our funds will be put to good use!


Former club President, Teresa Wells, accepted a donation of £520, also from our Quiz night, on behalf of EdUKaid, a local charity set up to improve the lives of residents of an impoverished area of southern Tanzania. Our donations have already supported a girls’ club which educates girls about their bodies and reproductive health. Only one in ten girls in the region complete their education, for a variety of reasons, but providing them with reusable sanitary pads is one way they can be helped to stay in the educational system.

Our year in pictures

To celebrate our achievements and events for the year we watched a presentation which you can view here.

Club business

Each of the Executive Committee had previously submitted their reports for the year, so they just covered highlights at the meeting.

Peggy (Secretary) – we had fed back our views to both SIGBI and regional board following questionnaires received. Regional had taken these views on board.

Michele (PAC) – Mentioned all the projects we have worked on this year with a few words from each project leader.

Julia (Comms & Media) – reported good press coverage of our activities and healthy Facebook following.

Michele (Regional Rep) – Region responsive to suggested changes in meetings. Encouraged members to attend.

Bernie (Treasurer) – thanks to everyone for promptly paying fees in April as requested. Accounts audited and ready to handover to Peggy. We end year with a healthy balance.

Annette and Barbara (Membership) – Members numbers up despite losing some. Press coverage and website have helped recruitment.

Bernie was presented with flowers as she is stepping down from Executive after serving 3 years.

After the accounts were adopted and examiner approved the Executive was duly elected.

President:  Michele S

President Elect:  Vacant

Vice President:  Vacant

Treasurer:  Peggy

Secretary: Hannah

Membership:  Barbara and Annette

Comms and Media:  Julia

PAC:  Janet M

Regional Rep:  Vacant

New President

Having completed her duties, Jenny handed her chain of office to Michele. She also passed on the potted rose which is looked after by the President. Jenny was presented with flowers and thanked for all her hard work!

Michele outlined some of her plans for the next year. She wants to support members ideas, work with other local clubs, try a weekday coffee meet up – maybe as an Orange Cafe? She asked for volunteers to help organise a summer social which would celebrate our 5th birthday.

Liz suggested a possible club birthday present of a President’s badge. After some discussion this was passed to the Executive to explore.

The meeting closed.