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Three Club Summer Outings – Theatre Plus Exhibitions in St Albans and Camden

The Club doesn’t meet formally in August but we had three summer outings which were both entertaining and interesting and provided a perfect opportunity for some Members to catch up with one another!

The first enjoyable outing was on Sat 21 Jul when a group went to see  “Fanny’s First Play” at Shaw’s Corner Outdoor Theatre.

On 2 August a group of nine St Albans Soroptimists plus two guests attended the first “Museum Late” event  at the newly opened St Albans Museum and Gallery in the centre of St Albans The theme of the this first event was printing which played a big part in St Albans history. The group had an enjoyable evening learning about and doing some hands-on printing and they were also able to see a 3D Printer in operation.











Outing number two was on 24 August when another group of nine St Albans Soroptimists visited the VOTE 100 Suffragettes in Camden exhibition “A Stone’s Throw from Westminster” at the Camden Local Studies & Archives Centre, Holborn Library. The group was warmly welcomed by Irene Cockroft, writer and historian on women’s suffrage, co-curator of the exhibition and also a Member of the Greater London Soroptimist Club. If you visit the website  you can find out more about the 1866 Women’s Suffrage petition: the first mass Votes for Women petition. For more information about the exhibition please the website   and download this word document Vote100Camden The exhibition runs until 5 October.

Irene is pictured here in the library with the wonderful Votes for Women tea cosy made especially to make this special centenary year. Our group learnt a huge amount from just a morning with Irene’s wealth of knowledge – earning a well deserved lunch at a nearby cafe – see pic of the group with Irene.