On the first afternoon of the Sustainable St Albans Festival 2023 – Sat 10 June, Soroptimists Anna, Jean and Helen took part in a wonderful joint #Susfest23 event at St Albans URC (Greenwood) – a Repair Fair with a Plants for Pollinators stall and a Smalls for All collection. This a first joint event between the URC, our Soroptimist Club and the St Albans Fixers and we are keen to repeat it.

If you were unable to donate on the day and have any bras and pants in packs for Smalls for All please Contact Us.
Anna, co-ordinated the whole event brilliantly including doing a great interview for the Repair Fair and our Club on Mix FM beforehand. She was delighted with this a first joint event between the URC, our Soroptimist Club and the St Albans Fixers and is keen to do another one next year at Homewood Rd which the Soroptimist Club will be happy to be involved with.
Outcomes from the Repair Fair For Visitors and the Planet Phil who organised the St Albans Fixers sent the following info : We fed this data into the Fixometer: Total items looked at: 30 (including 4 fabric/clothing) Of which fixed: 12 Fixable: 10 End of life: 8 which calculated the following results: Waste averted: 10kg CO2 equivalent averted: 106kg Fundraising A total of £122.50 was donated to Christian Aid: £66.50 (shared donations with the Fixers), refreshments £36 and plants £20 .This event contributed to St Albans #SUSTFEST23 being bigger and better than any previous year’s festival making a real difference to the environment. Well done everyone! For more here is the link to the Website: https://sustainablestalbans.org/sustfest/