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Soroptimists at the St Albans Girls School Year 11 Mock Interview Day

Soroptimist STAGS Interviewers Bev Helen Linda Jane DebbieOn Thu 18 Jan it was St Albans Girls School (STAGS) Year 11 Mock Interview Day for GCSE year students. St Albans Soroptimists Bev Keech,  Helen Atkinson, Linda Middleton, Jane Slatter and Debbie Tankard (pictured here l to r) were five of the thirty + interviewers there for the morning. They found the girls and the event really worthwhile and as inspiring as ever.

As part of the careers programme at St Albans Girls’ School, they offer a mock interview to every year 11 student on one morning. Each student has a 20 minute interview based on CV’s they have prepared in school and receive verbal and written feedback.

STAGS Year 11 Mock Interview Day 2024We were welcomed to the event by Margaret Chapman, Executive Head, and Paul Kershaw Head of School. Jessica Flint, Assistant Head Teacher and Careers Lead made sure that the event went smoothly and thanked everyone for their time. The students find the feedback very helpful – for some it is the first time they have produced a CV and had an interview. Providing an encounter with an employer/employee like this one is hugely beneficial and has been shown to help improve student outcomes and increase their aspirations for the future.

It was Soroptimist Helen Atkinson’s first time at the event and she said afterwards ” it was a joy being around their youthful energy! ”

The event has been running for the past 11 years, Soroptimists have been involved for the last 9 years and have found meeting the girls a real inspiration – a win win for everyone!