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New Member and Meeting in Person

Anna BarrettClub Members were delighted to be able to meet in person again for the first time since November 2021!

President Barbara Saunders and all the Club Members were thrilled to be able to welcome new member Anna Barrett, a retired early years primary school teacher, who has joined the St Albans and District Club. Barbara presented Anna with her Soroptimist badge and delivered the introductory welcome speech. There are three proud Soroptimists pictured here – President Barbara is on the left with Anna in the centre and Sarah Lichman on the right. We are sure that Anna will be a valuable asset to the Club and hope she enjoys her membership.

The 11 Feb is the UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science so the Club used this meeting to mark the event. This year’s theme is Water. Members of the Club’s People Team chose to research and share pioneering women working in the field:

Dr Elise CartmellDebbie talked to the group about Dr Elise Cartmell. Professor Elise Cartmel is an active applied scientist in relation to wastewater treatment – she is the Chief Scientist at Scottish Water. Despite the recognised need for diversification in STEM-related roles, statistics show that only 12% of professional engineers, 21% of all academic professors and 20% of the UK water sector’s workforce identify as women. To read more about this inspirational role model for women and girls in science please click here to download Debbie’s notes Water Dr Elise Cartmell

Kat shared info on geologist Marie Tharp who was an American geologist and oceanographic cartographer who created the first scientific map of the Atlantic Ocean floor. Her discovery of the rift valley led to acceptance of the theories of plate tectonics and continental drift. Please click here to watch a 5 minute video about her

Pamela told the group about Kiera Nirghin, a young South African scientist.  At just 22 she is already considered a pioneer in her field. At the age of 16 years old she developed a product that is a low cost, super absorbent polymer can be used for water conservation.  The polymer is made from avocado skins and orange peel.

Peggy Hodges OBEBarbara shared information about the Club’s past inspirational Member, Peggy Hodges OBE. Peggy worked in the development of communications equipment. She was awarded the OBE for her work in guided missile development. She was involved in the Caroline Hasket trust which supported girls into careers in STEM and chaired the charity for a number of years. She provided a legacy to club that funded the Peggy Hodges prize for the highest performing girl in Engineering.  For more about Peggy see


During the coffee break the Club held a bottle sale in aid of Toilet Twinning. Members brought bottles and jars of things no longer needed/wanted and raised £41. Toilets are particularly important for girls. 4.2 billion people live without safely managed sanitation – more than half the global population. With this money the Club only needs to raise another £60 to reach the target of 30 twinned toilets for St Albans to become a toilet twinned city. This was timed because it is World Water Day on 22 March and the theme for the UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science on 11 Feb was water this year.

Club Business was covered after coffee – the notes will be circulated to Club Members by email.

Club Members were encouraged to bring the following items to the Club:

Tea, coffee and toiletries for the women’s refuge 

As one of our key themes is to campaign for a more sustainable future, we continue to collect items for recycling: 

  • Gently worn and laundered bras and new pants (in packets only) for Smalls for All 
  • Empty medical blister packs 
  • Jewellery & Watches (in any material even if damaged or broken) 
  • Currency – Any coins or banknotes, UK & foreign (even if out of circulation) 
  • Mobile Phones 
  • Cameras (old film, digital and video) 
  • Stamps (Loose, single, albums, first day covers, presentation packs, collections) 
  • Gadgets (Sat-Navs, Ipods, MP3 players, games consoles, games & accessories) 
  • Printer Cartridges – Jean collects them up and sends them off to Recycle4Charity and they send us money for the Women’s Refuge