A Noteworthy Night
On February 17th we had three to memorable things to mark at the SIB meeting. Firstly, we were delighted to welcome our newest recruit, Dr Roberta King (or Bobbie 2 as she is known, the spot of Bobbie 1 already being taken in the club!). Secondly, we congratulated long standing member Hilda Brownlow on her 30th anniversary in Soroptimism, an impressive achievement. Thirdly was a bittersweet occasion to mark as our President, Kiera Mauro, announced that it was her last meeting as the purchase of their new home has completed. She and her family are moving north to Aberdeenshire to take over a small holding/ livery business. A whole new beginning and quite a change from life in the New Forest. Kiera was wished all the very best and thanked by the club for her leadership, enthusiasm and good humour. She will be missed but