Grange Soroptimists were part of the Fair Trade fortnight event in Grange on March 11th. It was good to meet other supporters of Fair Trade and have a chance to show our work supporting chocolate making workshops for girls in Ghana and of course share chocolate made with Ghanaian cocoa beans! Lets hope Grange will become a Fair trade town.

So far we have raised £670 for chocolate making worklshops for girls in Ghana initially with our Fair Trade way walk and then selling chocolate treats and having a chocolate raffle. We hope to try and walk the whole Fair Trade way
There is still time to support the crowdfunder for the project called Chocolate has a name which is aiming to teach the girls at Tarkwa Breman school in Ghana to make chociolate. This will ensure the girls stay at school and improve their career prospects and life chances.
We are thrilled that on International Women’s Day and during Fair Trade fortnight Joanna Pollard the inspitration for our involvement in the Chocolate has a name project was named as one of the Top 100 women in social enterprise in Europe.