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What’s the Best Run for Our Money?

When it comes to Fundraising – we found two of the best runs in Warwickshire!

Run Number 1

 Race For Life, Stoneleigh, May 18th

When Co-President Elaine asked for support in raising funds for Cancer Research UK,

there was no shortage of members stepping up to help.  

Elaine’s reflections that we have all lost someone we love to cancer and the importance of funding research to combat this dreadful disease were met with complete agreement. Six readily offered to be part of Elaine’s ‘Team SI Kenilworth & District’ in the ‘Race for Life’ whilst others pledged sponsorship.

Of course the Team kit had to be finalised. Given our tutus, hats and Elton John shades, Elaine observed that Team SI K&D might not have been the fastest in the race – but they were certainly one of the best dressed!



The thousands of runners, joggers and walkers at the Race For Life event at Stoneleigh this year raised, between them, a staggering £250.000 for Cancer Research UK. Our brilliant Team SI Kenilworth & District raised an amazing £1750 – that’s an impressive 0.007 of the total. Which surely gave Team SI K&D an official Licence to Chill!

Why not think about entering next year’s Race for Life at Stoneleigh? Have a look at this year’s details for a taste of what to expect. Here’s the link.

Run Number 2

The Two Castles Run, June 9th

We were pleased and privileged to be asked once again, by Kenilworth Rotary Club, to help with marshalling for this important event. Twenty Club members, friends and partners stood as marshals along the route. This year, the maximum number of runners allowed took part – all 4,500 of them!

 They poured out of the gate at Warwick’s Castle in the run to reach Kenilworth’s.

We cheered as the first woman passed in the leading group of elite runners,

congratulated the baby on her place in front of Dad,

 and applauded the impeccable dress of the ladies with their knights.

 We gave an appreciative thumbs up to the pink parrot,

 and shouted our support for the ‘Bee Friendly’ runners.

But the greatest privilege of all was to be able to cheer on and support those runners who, for whatever reason, had set themselves this challenge, were daunted by the struggle, yet still they persisted and achieved their goal. They might not have come first but still they won.

And we, for our work as marshals, won the magnificent reward of £1000 to help us support and enable women and girls who are, themselves, struggling to reach goals.

Making winners of us all.