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Lions Show Plant Sale

Lions Show Plant Sale


Kenilworth Soroptimists raised around £1000 selling plants at the recent Lions Show in Abbey Fields, with plants kindly donated by Borden Hill Nurseries (thanks to one of our members). We had a good selection of bedding plants and perennials on offer as well as herbs and vegetable plants. The weather was kind to us this year and our borrowed gazebos were needed to provide shade rather than hold of the pouring rain of last year. All proceeds are going to Friends of Sick Children in Malawi.

Swimathon 2014

Swimathon 2014


Once again, Kenilworth Soroptimists are involved in the annual Swimathon to raise money for charity, this year for Parkinson’s UK and Warwickshire Young Carer’s Project. The event will take place on Sunday 19th October 2014 at the Warwick School Sports Centre, Myton Road, Warwick. Participants from businesses, schools, associations, pubs, clubs, family groups, etc, are all welcome. For further information, please see Swimathon flyer.  

Soroptimists take part in Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict

Soroptimists take part in Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict


A Kenilworth Soroptimist member joined with Soroptimists from Great Britain & Ireland  and  SI Europe when they attended the Global Summit at the Excel Centre London. Soroptimists were taking part in the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict, the largest ever gathering brought together to address this key issue. It is a high-profile event and world leaders were joined by global celebrities, such as Angelina Jolie, helping to generate worldwide news coverage. But Soroptimist action and advocacy to help women and girls during and after conflict is nothing new and will continue after the media spotlight moves on. Foreign Secretary William Hague and Angelina Jolie opened the event which was also attended by Stella McCartney. William Hague promised  there would be “Tougher sentences for traffickers” and that there would be an ending to  impunity for soldiers who commit rape. He also announced that

Local Soroptimists attend the United Nations to participate in the 58th Commission on the Status of Women

Local Soroptimists attend the United Nations to participate in the 58th Commission on the Status of Women


Two Kenilworth Soroptimists travelled to New York on 8th March, (International Women’s day) to participate in the development of global policy to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women. They joined 6000 delegates from across the world attending the annual Commission on the Status of Women this year. Soroptimist International holds General Consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) at the United Nations.  As members of the Soroptimists, women in Kenilworth are part of a huge International network.  They have a voice as members of a Non Governmental Organisation (NGO), which can influence governments around the world to take action and improve the lives of women and girls. Soroptimist International is one of the NGOs who contribute to discussions at the Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations every year, where recommendations inform the thinking of Governments around the

Public Speaking Competition 2014

Public Speaking Competition 2014


Kenilworth Soroptimists were recently involved in the Midland Arden Region’s annual Public Speaking Competition. 13 competitors from non-fee paying schools in the region took part. The winner came from Kenilworth School with her topic “How High can a Girl Fly”. The speeches can be seen on YouTube: Public Speaking Competition 2014    

Friendship Weekend, April 2014

Friendship Weekend, April 2014


The Friendship weekend presided over by President Georgie was a huge success with visitors from France, Germany, Netherlands and our sister clubs in the UK.   On Friday morning our French friends had a splendid brunch – a ‘full English’ with blueberry muffins and maple syrup – followed by a trip to Compton Verney to see the permanent Art Exhibition and have a guided tour of the sculptures of Rodin and Moore. On Saturday morning we took our visitors to Stoneleigh Abbey where we were joined by our Dutch members. Following coffee, we embarked on the ‘Jane Austin’ tour and given insights into the little known world of Jane Austin and her ties to Stoneleigh. This was followed by our 45th Charter Lunch at the Warwickshire Golf Club. The tables were beautifully decked out with flowers arranged in the soroptimist colours. A traditional meal of

Swimathon Update

Swimathon Update


This photo was taken at S.I. Leamington’s dinner. President Georgie , Andrea and NSPCC local committee Ann, Linda and Christina are pictured with Barbara Elsey from the NSPCC. Andrea and Linda worked hard to help S.I Leamington and Warwick organise the Swimathon at Warwick School Pool with all money raised going to the NSPCC. The final total is likely to be over £5,198.00. Well done to everyone who took part.

Kenilworth Wonders Swim Again

Kenilworth Wonders Swim Again


Sunday 20th October was a very busy day for Kenilworth and Leamington and Warwick members. The Swimathon went off to a flying start at 11.00am. There was great excitement in the swimming pool and with lots of cheering and applause. Our Team certainly did us proud completing  45 laps of a 25 meter pool, well done all of you. It was fantastic that Sandra joined the team from SI Cardiff and was supported by Ann.