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Day 13 of 16 Days of Action – Loves me Loves me not

Day 13 of 16 Days of Action – Loves me Loves me not


These bookmarks fold into credit card sized reminders of what a healthy relationship should feel like, aimed particularly at both young women and men,  Our Club has shared these produced by SI Central Birmingham, based on the Purple Tear Drop Campaign ideas for action. One Kenilworth Club member has shared them with her daughter, a Deputy Headteacher in Birmingham.   A member of SI Central Birmingham is due to deliver sessions to years 8,9,10 and 13

Day 12 of 16 Days of Action – Forgotten 10 campaign

Day 12 of 16 Days of Action – Forgotten 10 campaign


The Forgotten 10 Challenge   supports the innocent civilians, mostly women and children, caught up in conflicts around the world. Resources include a petition to your MP to stop the bombing of civilians.,60EJF,UKXOOM,NK7M5,1

Day 10 of 16 Days of Action – Ways our Club support our local Refuge Services

Day 10 of 16 Days of Action – Ways our Club support our local Refuge Services


If you are forced to change your behaviour because you are frightened of your partner’s reaction, you are being abused.   You can call 0800 408 1552 for advice. For some years we have supported our local Refuge facilities by donating cleaning materials.   We have also raised money e.g by providing refreshments at the annual flu clinics, marshalling the Two Castles Race for our ‘Wellbeing Fund’.   This enables the women and children to enjoy some of the ‘normal’ things of life e.g swimming lessons, panto outings and summer events.