The club meeting on 28 July hosted a visit from Nigel and his ‘Blood Bike’ to tell us about the life saving work of Northumbria Blood Bikes. The Northumbria group is only one of many that cover over 85% of the UK with this essential but voluntary service. This Group has 10 specialist motorbikes as well as 2 cars and an exhibition trailer. Over 200 volunteers provide the rapid response service for the NHS for blood products, specimens and equipment from 7.0pm through to 7.0am on week days and 24 hourly at weekends and on Bank Holidays. Their recent collaborative work with the Great North Air Ambulance now means that they transport blood and platelets to the air ambulance so that the medics can administer life saving treatment as soon as the helicopter has reached the casualty. This has so far resulted in about 8 lives being saved that might otherwise have been lost. Read more about them at