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The Good Life Goals – making a difference!

The Good Life Goals – making a difference!


The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future  Central to this are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which are an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership. Last Autumn the club made a commitment to monitor what we are doing individually and collectively as a club to pursue the Good Life Goals that arose out of the 2019 UN Sustainable Development Goals.  Sylvia one of our club members, gave a very helpful powerpoint presentation about how the Good Life goals link to the 17 SDGs  and a copy of that presentation is attached in the following link below. The Good Life Goals This was then followed this up at a

Our latest donation to the West End Women and Girls Centre’s Northumberland Farm.

Our latest donation to the West End Women and Girls Centre’s Northumberland Farm.


For some years, Newcastle soroptimists have supported the work of Newcastle’s West End Women and Girls Centre  and over the last few years have contributed towards the development of their Northumberland Farm.   We gained a £10k grant which helped develop poly tunnels etc and planted trees there over the years. We were delighted to hear that our latest donation of £400 has purchased two sheep. The sheep are now at the farm  and settled in well!     . The orange one is the youngest and has had one set of twins so far, the green one often has triplets!  And they should be lambing from 1st April onwards. We will keep you updated with their names and when lambing starts!

Spreading more Christmas cheer!

Spreading more Christmas cheer!


In addition to supporting the Joseph Cowan Health Care Centre and Newcastle West End’s Foodbank, we also donated £100 to the Felling Foodbank in Gateshead. Staff and volunteers at the Felling Network used our £100 donation to make up packs for 10 families.   We hope that these packs will help bring Christmas cheer to them.