April 27th saw a visit from Kathy Warrick to our club. Kathy, who is S.I. Northern England Region’s Communication Officer and Web Administrator, gave us a presentation about the uses of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram with regard to publicising Soroptimist International’s agenda.

Members of other Northern England Region clubs joined us: Tynemouth and Whitley bay, Morpeth, Sunderland and Middlesbrough. Kathy’s main suggestion was that clubs linked together their Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts in order to update all social media accounts at the same time. In addition, if the hash tags #SIBI and #Soroptimists@SIGBI1 are used then someone searching for information about Soroptimists will be directed to the article.
Kathy also suggested that following UN Woman on Twitter and the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) would give access to useful articles to retweet.
She also spoke about using appropriate keywords and investigating target influences together with the use of suitable images. More information about this is available on the main SIGBI website in the Communications section.
President Jill has decided to follow up this session with a further opportunity at a club session to explore social media.