Today, Friday September 23rd the Deputy Lord Mayor of Newcastle ion Tyne (Councillor Veronica Dunn) unveiled a Blue Plaque for Dr Dorothea Sinton., MB., Ch. B. (1899 to 1987). The plaque celebrates the pioneering work of Dr Sinton in providing medical and well being services for women in the poorest area of Newcastle. SI Newcastle are attempting to redress the imbalance of Blue Plaques celebrating women’s achievements – there are now fewer than 7 plaques for women out of over 100 plaques celebrating men.
We were delighted to be joined by Dr Tacchi, a former Chief Medical Officer for Family Planning Services in the city , who had actually worked with Dr Sinton and spoke about her pioneering work. In addition, descendants of Dr. Sinton, including her children and grandchildren attended and Dr Sinton’s granddaugher, Joanne Friel, spoke of her fond memories of her grnndmother.
@newcastlesoroptimists @sigbi @si_bangkok #askmewhyiamasoroptimist