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Uplifting Support!

On Monday evening 20 Soroptimists and friends met to count bras. Yes, the annual Bras and Bubbly!

The evening began with the great unloading of bundles, bags and bags of bras collected from all over Salisbury and surrounds (and some donations from farther afield!). Let the counting begin!

A system quickly emerged: count piles of 10, pass to ‘bagger’ who counted 10 piles of 10 into a bin bag and tied the top. Penny wrote out the labels so that Afreebra know there are 100 bras from Salisbury Soroptimists in each.

Any neighbours who heard us talking about putting bodies in bags….. we were talking about lingerie!! Kind donations which were not quite usual bras.

We hadn’t anticipated four-legged help, but Helen’s dog had other ideas.

Once the hard counting was over there was time for socialising over a glass or two and some nibbles.

There only remained packing cars to transport to London. Many thanks to those who volunteered to drive them there.

And finally, you wanted to know the total? Last year we counted over 2500. This year…… drum roll……. we counted…….3736!! Congratulations to everyone involved! To Penny for coordinating all the volunteers who collected from Five Rivers, all those who collected from wherever and everyone who came on the night to help the count. Thank you to Helen for hosting us. Helen was presented a beautiful bouquet grown by Rebecca! (thanks Rebecca!)

Most of all, thanks to everyone who donated bras! Don’t forget to start saving them for next year!