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Where are we going?

Following the SIGBI consultation on the restructuring of the organisation we asked our members to discuss three topics:

  • What do you think are the benefits of being part of a regional/national/international organisation?
  • What led you to join SI Salisbury? What elements of Soroptimism enthuse you most?
  • How would you like to see our club develop in the coming year(s)?

Table discussions sent feed back to Peggy to collate. If you weren’t at the meeting, feel free to send in your ideas! Members are also asked to complete the questionnaire sent out with the papers for the meeting asking which projects you are currently, or would like to be involved in. Also please suggest any new projects you would like to see us tackle.


Making our City Safer

A major project that we have been working on, Making our City Safer, has been selected as a finalist in a category of the SIGBI Best Practice awards, the results of which will be announced at the conference in November. Liz pointed out that this is a huge honour for the club. We have to present the project in 5 minutes, so the team have put together a video to take to the conference. In order to see if the narration would work ‘live’, Eleanor and Julia read the script to the video so everyone could see what had been done. If you weren’t at the meeting watch the video here.  Members are encouraged to attend the conference to support our presentation (on Saturday 4th November).

This project is also being entered for the Regional competition called the Bluebell Awards. We will also need to present the project in front of the judging panel at the regional meeting/meal on Sunday 22nd October. Members are also encouraged to attend this event to support our project. If you are planning to go, get in touch with Liz who can provide a lift to some.

New venue

Jenny explained that rising costs at the White Hart have forced us to look for a new venue. After extensive searching around the city centre the Executive recommends that we move our meetings to the Baptist Church Hall on Brown Street. It was suggested that this might put off some prospective members. We will point out on our website that Soroptimists have no religious or political affiliation. The change of venue will also mean a change of meeting day to the fourth THURSDAY of the month – please put in your diary now, so you don’t miss the meeting!!  26th October

The new venue has a kitchen so we can prepare tea/coffee and have some soft drinks available for a small charge.

Membership fees

Jenny raised the possibility that membership fees may have to rise in the New Year as, even though we will save a little with our new venue, we do not yet know how much we will have to pay to SIGBI and we haven’t yet found another home to store all our materials. Any suggestions gratefully received!

Likely fees next year will be £96 or £8 per month.


School mock interviews

Trafalgar School have requested help with conducting mock interviews on 16/17th October. If you can help please contact Karen Gadd.


Film Night

Virginia has been working with the Lower Bemerton Film Club to get a special screening for our Orange the World campaign to raise awareness of domestic abuse. Members voted for the film they would most like to see from a shortlist… and the winner was ‘Women at War’. This is an Icelandic comedy about an aging environmental activist who is waging war against an aluminium smelter, but needs to stop doing so if she is to adopt a longed for child from Ukraine.

The screening will take place at St John’s, Lower Bemerton on Wednesday 29th November. Doors open at 6.45pm – there will be food and drink from 7pm with the film starting at 7.30pm. Tickets are £10, including food. Come along and bring your friends! Tickets will be available on Eventbrite – details to follow.

Quiz Night

Plans our coming together for our next quiz night. A quiz like no other!

18th November at the Harnham Parish Hall, doors open at 7pm. There will be a raffle and cash bar, so please don’t forget to bring some money (not cards!!).

Ticket price: £15 which includes a supper of quiche, potatoes and salad.

Please email with your team details (how many are you? anyone vegetarian?). If you would like to join a team just tell us your name and supper preference. You will sent details of how to pay for your ticket.

Please also volunteer to help on the night – we need people to register guests, to serve at the bar and to hand out food. These roles can be combined with entering the quiz! Please let Barbara know if you can help.


Silver Salisbury refreshments

Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped Annette at the refreshments stall at Silver Salisbury event in the Guildhall. Thanks to everyone who contributed cakes for the event.

Donations amounted to nearly £300 which goes to our club funds.

Get involved!

As you will see above, there is no shortage of club activities in the coming months. Why not get them all in your diary now? See you at something soon!