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Domestic Abuse

Orange the World

This is a UN initiative to raise awareness of violence against women and girls. We have been active in supporting this. See our project page.

Below we share resources and links as an information hub. We take no responsibility for the contents of these sites or the advice offered.

Domestic and Sexual Abuse in Wiltshire

Who should I contact?

If you are in immediate danger call 999. If not an emergency call Wiltshire Police on 101 or contact them online.

National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247

Refuge 0808 4000247

Largest Domestic Abuse National organisation supporting women and their children to overcome abuse and rebuild their lives.

FearFree (formerly Splitz)

Full range of services within a single, easy to use access point.

Tel (9am – 5pm): 01225 775276

out of hours: 01225 712880

Enquiries and referrals:

First Light is the Sexual Assault Referral Centre for Swindon and Wiltshire and is your first point of contact whether you want to report the incident to the police or not.

Swindon Sanctuary at Great Western Hospital

Women’s Aid along with the Home Office are trialling emergency funds for women fleeing abuse. Womens Aid support women and children suffering domestic abuse and have a wealth of resources. Check out their survivor’s handbook.

UK Says No More  campaign against domestic abuse. Signposts to safe spaces online and in your area.

The Domestic Abuse Commissioner exists to support victims. There is an excellent list of resources here.

Financial Abuse

Information on Financial Support for victims of Domestic Abuse


Abusers can exploit tech to track and monitor victims. Check out what you can do to combat this here.


Suzy Lamplugh Trust run National Stalking Helpline Tel: 08088 020300

The Alice Ruggles Trust provides information and training

The Cyber Helpline supports victims of cyber crime

Check out potential new partners

Did you know that you, or an interested third party (eg family member) can check whether an ex or current partner has a history of violence or abuse? This ‘Right to Ask’ is enshrined in Clare’s Law.  More information on HM Govt website or on a dedicated website Clare’s Law. However, Wiltshire Police are currently reviewing their handling of such requests in past years, which have not been properly done.

How can I help someone else?

How to respond  to someone who you suspect is suffering domestic or sexual abuse, or if someone talks to you about it.

  • Listen
  • provide details of a professional support service (see above)
  • use Bright Sky app to provide practical support

More guidance here.

#ReachIn How to offer support

Take a free course to improve your knowledge

What will happen next?

We hope you will find helpful advice from one or more of the suggestions above.

If your case goes to court find useful information about Swindon Court here  and Salisbury Family Court here.

Some general advice about court proceedings, what to expect and ‘dos and don’ts’ here.