One of our new members, Bernie Reynolds, needs your ‘support’!
The charity Against Breast Cancer’s bra recycling scheme takes unwanted or unloved bras and through their network of bra banks, raise vital funds for pioneering breast cancer research.
The same bras also help to support small businesses in developing countries in Africa and around the world. Together with the charity’s recycling partners, the textile recovery project prevents these bras going into landfill by giving them a new lease of life in countries such as Togo, Ghana and Kenya, where bras remain expensive to produce locally.
Successful ventures like this provide an income for families in developing countries whilst providing employment for people living in the UK. Any bras that are genuinely beyond redemption are dismantled and disposed of properly.
So it’s time to bin your bra!
For every tonne of bras collected, Against Breast Cancer receives £700 to fund their research. There are over 30 million women in the UK so together you could really help make a difference.
You will see bins appearing around Southport in the autumn but there is already a Bra Bank in the foyer of the Atkinson in the centre of the town.

Against Breast Cancer funds research into secondary spread, the main cause of breast cancer related deaths. The generous support we receive from our supporters has enabled us fund lifesaving research projects at some of the UK’s most respected academic establishments.
The last word goes to Max Crispin, Professor of Glycobiology at the University of Southampton, who recently described the charity in a press interview;
“Against Breast Cancer is a remarkable charity. They realise the need for long term support for challenging research programmes and our relationship has been cemented further by the charity’s continuing commitment to fund breast cancer research well into the future.”