SI Southport has been working closely with the charity Against Breast Cancer and, as October was breast cancer awareness month, we decided to ‘go pink’.
Bernie’s pink Bra Banks have been established in Southport for well over a year and she established some extra venues for October. All our amazing and supportive embraced Breast Cancer Awareness Month and held special events to support the campaign including the following:
– The Imperial Hotel hold a monthly Car Boot sale and the proceeds from their last event were donated to the ABC charity
– The Bijou cinema screened ‘Grease’, with the proceeds donated to the ABC Charity
– The Richmond took a Bra Bank during October and collected 3 bags full of bras at their Pensioners’ Lunch
– The Grand hosted a bra bank and coloured their lights pink.
Additionally, the Atkinson, our wonderful arts centre on Lord Street, was swathed in pink on the 1st and 31st October to alert the town to breast cancer awareness.

The awareness month culminated in a fund-raising Charity Concert. Our own ‘Pink Lady’, Bernie Reynolds, with a small team, arranged a brilliant evening, showcasing an eclectic mix of amazing local talent to entertain us. Thanks to President Agnes and her team, we were treated to a delicious supper during the interval.
The concert was expertly managed by our Master of Ceremonies, Jonathan, who introduced our wonderful performers.
Over 60 guests attended and amongst the guests, we were delighted to welcome the Mayor of Sefton, Cllr June Burns, suitably dress in pink!
We are so grateful to everyone who generously supported us – both by attending the event and by donating a tremendous array of raffle prizes.