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Women, Health, Exercise and The Economy – Mon 28 Oct 7.30pm Zoom

Prof Scarlett McNallySoroptimist International St Albans and District invite you to join this special event on Zoom on Mon 28 Oct from 7.30-9.00pm when *Professor Scarlett McNally will be speaking on the subject of “Women, Health, Exercise and the Economy – Is Exercise the Miracle Cure?”

To book your place on Eventbrite please click here:

Club Members will be sent the Zoom link directly.

Professor Scarlett McNally qualified as a doctor in 1989 and has been a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon in Eastbourne since 2002. She is also an Honorary Clinical Professor at Brighton and Sussex Medical School and Deputy Director of the Centre for Perioperative Care – trying to improve preparation and pathways for people having surgery. As President of the Medical Women’s Federation she appreciates that women have different experiences, and will share her knowledge and views with us. She was only the ninth woman to be an elected Council member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (2011-2021) and was the lead author for the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges’ “Exercise the Miracle Cure“, Basing her talk on evidence and personal experience, Professor McNally is a passionate campaigner for more active travel to improve health and reduce pollution. In addition to her professional achievements, Scarlett is a 4th Dan Karate black belt, living with myeloma and cardiac amyloidosis, and mother of four adult children. There will be some time for questions after the presentation.
Please join us for what promises to be a really informative and interesting evening.

Soroptimist International is a Women’s Organisation which aims to improve the lives of women and girls globally, to help them achieve their individual and collective potential. Soroptimists inspire action at a local level and creates opportunities to transform the lives of women and girls through a global network of members and international partnerships. Women’s health and welfare is a vital part of the Soroptimist programme of worldwide projects.

*Professor McNally’s full accreditation is: BSc MB BChir FRCS(Tr&Orth) MA MBA FAcadMEd HonMFPH

There is no charge for this special event, but if you would like to make a donation to the Club’s charities supporting women and girls then you can either do so when you book on Eventbrite or afterwards when you will be sent the Club’s bank details. Please understand there is no pressure to do this.

See below for further information:
• Scarlett McNally: Enabling Active Travel can improve the nation’s health. BMJ 2024;384:q522

• Scarlett McNally: Prioritising the health of our children by reducing road traffic deaths BMJ 2022; 379 :o2862

• There was an excellent Active Travel Summit which was held in Eastbourne in November 2023 and the recordings are available free. You can rewind for details or fast forward; some have slides or transcripts. Please click on each title for bite-sized sessions (including Scarlett on transport and health):

• UK Health Alliance on Climate Change

• Academy of Medical Royal Colleges “Exercise the Miracle Cure”

• Prof Scarlett McNally also has a website: