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True Story True Honour

True Story, True HonourIn recognition of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, SI Bournemouth #orangedtheworld and partnered Bournemouth University and Dorset Police to host an ‘Honour Based Violence’ presentation by Sarbjit Kaur Athwal and Dr Clive Driscoll from the charity, True Honour.

The True Honour charity campaigns to raise awareness of honour based violence, forced marriage and Female Genital Mutilation. Sarbjit’s sister-In-law was the victim of an honour based killing and she gave a very personal testimony at the event which was heartbreaking. She strived for years to convince police and social services that her sister -in-law had been taken to India and murdered. Eventually Dr Clive Driscoll who at the time was a DCI with the Metropolitan Police took up her case and obtained the first conviction for an honour based murder.

Sarbjit tells the story in her book – ‘Shamed:The Honour Killing That Shocked Britain – by the Sister Who Fought for Justice’.