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VAWG Group Fund Raiser

The Violence Against Women and Girls Group at SIB undertakes activities to promote healthy relationships and raise awareness of the issue of domestic abuse. We require funds to be able support relevant initiatives, so the group recently held an afternoon tea, organised by Lisa Maw, on November 16th to raise money. Twenty-one members and guests attended to hear an interesting talk by an ex-police inspector, Richard Hutley, who reviewed the history of policing in the UK and then focussed on the current situation with violence against women. This was followed by a lavish afternoon tea supplied by members of the group. We charged £10 per head and invited the seniors and past members to come along. It was a nice opportunity to catch up with old friends and several participants helped to make orange bunting before the talk began that will be used at our Art & Community Support exhibition for the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence to be held at The Avenue in Bournemouth starting on November 25th. It was a thought-provoking afternoon and we raised £210 for the VAWG Group account. An excellent result!

If you are interested in this and would like to come along to a Soroptimist International Bournemouth meeting to find out more, please email us at