SI Kenilworth and District were pleased to welcome new member Marge O’Leary at our October meeting.
Marge, pictured on the left with President Rebecca, is a Graduate of Law from Warwick University. She is currently simultaneously reading for the Bar and a masters degree in International Development Law and Human Rights.
Marge is research co-ordinator of a student led project, Femin Itjihad (http://feminijtihad.com/the-team/) , a research initiative designed to provide activists and N.G.O’s with legal and literary information on Muslim women’s rights in the form of easy-to-read summaries, podcasts and an online helpline.
Marge was introduced to Soroptimism when she was asked to contribute to the recent study day at Warwick University where she gave a talk on ‘Applying strategic techniques to reviewing the Draft Afghan Family Code.’