Agghh!!! After some difficulties I’ve finally heard back from the Lead Pharmacist at the hospital. He wants me to organise the hospital wards inventory in order to come up with the exact list of medicines that a ward can keep. They are just in the process of setting up the provision of clinical pharmacy services.
They had only just invented Ward Pharmacists when I last worked in hospital! I thought I would simply be dispensing, a skill I also haven’t used since 2002 but trust that like riding a bike, haven’t forgotten. I’m beginning to worry that I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. My current role is advising GPs about elderly frail patients and conducting medication reviews in care homes. Rather the opposite end of the spectrum to paediatrics.
Not only am I going to have to remind myself about paediatric prescribing, now I’m going to have to learn what hospital ward pharmacists do. I was already planning to spend part of the long haul flight reading the British National Formulary for Children, the ‘bible’ for prescribing we use in the UK for paediatrics, now I’d better think about getting some hospital experience too before I go.
More guilt, I’ve not been much help to the group working on the Malawi bid for the next Quadrennial Project as I was away in March but I do my best to support Elaine, our President, with some graphics for the final version as the deadline looms for the end of April.