We’ve just come back Holland from a fabulous friendship week-end with our sister Soroptimists in Arnhem and Remscheid to the utterly brilliant news that –
We have been short listed for the next Quadrennial Project!
Wow!!! As Elaine, our President points out, now the work begins and if we are fortunate enough to be voted in, then we will really have our work cut out. Thankfully, Club is so passionate about supporting the education of paediatric nurses through the auspices of Friends of Sick Children in Malawi; I think we are up for the challenge. All part of why enjoy being a Soroptimist.
I think it’s about time I tell Elaine, and Club of my plans to work in the hospital as a pharmacist.
Elaine and Georgie put me in contact with SI Blantyre; it would be great if during my fortnight I could meet up with them. Any gift from our Club is going to have to be very, very light. Elaine thinks maybe a flag or certificate of friendship. Perhaps the SIGBI coasters we took to the Friendship Weekend or the little pin badges? We’ll have to see how the luggage is going.
I also make contact with the School of Pharmacy; they want me to give a couple of lectures to the pharmacy students. It’s just as well I’m going in September after all as they are on holiday in June.
I’m less worried about giving lectures than working on the hospital wards! I’ve taught pharmacists, technicians, nurses and GPs, and although I haven’t found out the topics they want me to cover, some of my best lectures have been with the learning outcomes written on the back of an envelope.
We finish June with a heat-wave; the irony is that it is cooler in Blantyre. Oh well, good practice for September.