Equal for Equal
By wearing purple of course!
Because the MAR meeting was the day before International Women’s Day, we decked ourselves out in as much purple as possible!
Julie, one of our newest Club members read the Mission Statement.
Besides the reports from the MAR executive, we talked about ways we can celebrate our Centenary next year. The possibility of a sculpture at the National Memorial Arboretum is very exciting.
Who was the main speaker?
We’d all come to hear the inspirational Dame Vera Baird QC, Victims Commissioner for England and Wales. Because of her work, a survey of how domestic violence is treated in courts has been developed. Most importantly this is being used by Soroptimists across the region to collect data for analysis.
The slide presentation she used can be found in the Members Only section of our website. Do ask a Club member if you’d like to know more about the survey. If you don’t know a member of SI Kenilworth & District you can contact us via our website, Facebook or Twitter accounts.
And how else did we celebrate International Women’s Day?
A couple of us even graduated on the NHS couch to 5k scheme and did our first Park Run dressed in purple before going to the meeting!