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SI Kenilworth Literary Event

SI Kenilworth Literary Event


There is still time to buy tickets for our literary event on Saturday 29th April. We are raising money for Friends of Sick Children in Malawi and hope over the course of the year to raise enough to sponsor another paediatric nurse. Please click on the link to find out more. SI Kenilworth Literary Event

Public Speaking Competition 2017

Public Speaking Competition 2017


Midland Arden Region’s 15th Public Speaking Competition was held at the prestigious Birmingham Council Chamber on Saturday 25th March 2017. Eleven young people, girls and boys aged 14-18 yrs from Non Fee Paying Schools across the Midland Arden Region took part. 1st prize of  £150  plus the trophy went to Thomas Woodland,  a pupil from King Edward VI School Stratford, sponsored by SI Stratford upon Avon. His chosen topic was “Have women’s rights gone too far”. 2nd  prize of £75 plus a trophy went to Jude Radley a pupil from Trinity Catholic School, sponsored by SI Leamington & Warwick, his chosen topic was “Migration: how open should our doors be”. 3rd prize of £25 plus a trophy was awarded to Daniel Harrison a pupil from Alderbrook School and sponsored by SI Solihull & District. His chosen topic was “What does Brexit mean to young people?” All our contestant were given a £25

48th Annual Charter Dinner

48th Annual Charter Dinner


SI Kenilworth and District held their 48th Annual Dinner on Friday 24th March at Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club. It was a fabulous occasion and we were delighted to be joined on the night by the Mayor and Mayoress of Kenilworth, Richard and Erica Davies. We were also honoured to receive as our guests, Ann Hodgson, Federation President of Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland and Su Roxburgh, Regional President of Midland Arden Region and her husband Steve.  We were looked after beautifully by the staff of the golf club, and the evening culminated in us dancing the night away to disco sounds!   Soroptimists and some husbands enjoying themselves: Dancing the night away  

A birthday celebration

A birthday celebration


SI Kenilworth and District celebrated the 90th birthday of one of its members, Yvonne, at our February meeting. We gave her a card made especially for her by one of our members and we each enjoyed a piece of her birthday cake. We all happily joined in singing Happy Birthday to her.  

SI Kenilworth Literary Event

SI Kenilworth Literary Event


SI Kenilworth and District is proud to present a literary event on Saturday 29th April at 1.30 featuring a talk by Caroline Lea followed by afternoon tea. Caroline is the author of “When the Sky Fell Apart” which has been long-listed for the Waverton Good Read Award. Venue: St Francis of Assisi Church Hall, Kenilworth Tickets: £15 available from Kenilworth Books For more information: Literary event poster    

Christmas Dinner 2016

Christmas Dinner 2016


Kenilworth Soroptimists celebrated Christmas at their December dinner recently together with a good number of husbands and partners present to join in the fun. The Holiday Inn did us proud with beautifully decorated tables, crackers with the usual dreadful jokes and mulled wine to put us in the Christmas mood as we enjoyed a Christmas meal. Afterwards members entertained us with poetry, a couple of stories about Children’s nativity plays (both had us in fits of laughter!) and seasonal quotes.