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Partner a project in India

For two years we have been raising money to send to India to help Dalit and tribal women living in Orissa, one of the poorest States in India to overcome poverty and discrimination.

Women have been able join cooperatives and access a loan scheme to enable them to start small enterprises .Working as a group they earn more than they would alone. One group of women were funded to buy materials to make bricks which they were then able to sell for a profit.

The project also runs training for women in organic farming and provides seeds to grow vegetables for both consumption and sale.
This is only one of the practical courses open to the women.

The project wants to empower women to improve their lives and so there are a large number of workshops ranging from Women’s Rights Issues like domestic violence, trafficking and child marriage to training in Leadership and Communication Skills. This is obviously a massive leap for some women who were previously unable to voice an opinion.

The project also supports women to secure resources and support from local government, such as better medical care. Poor, marginalized or geographically isolated people are often not aware of what they are legally entitled to. Encouraging advocacy is a vital part of the work.

Soroptimist International of Mansfield and District have raised over £2000 for this valuable work to enable. Women living in Orissa to improve their lives. Photograph shows  President Wendy presenting the Cheque for £2,000.