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Summer Outing 2013, Gainsborough Old Hall

Gainsborough Old Hall is a large, late- medieval manor house built by the noble Burgh family around 1460. The house boasts

  • an impressive Great Hall
  • original medieval kitchen
  • East and West ranges containing a myriad of rooms and a ghost corridor
  • an original brick built tower

Gainsborough Old Hall was not only the home of the Burgh family but also a demonstration of their wealth and importance. By 1596, however, the Burghs had fallen on hard times and the house was sold to the Hickman family. Although a number of “home improvements ” have been made over the years it remains a “textbook of medieval architecture”.

Famous visitors to the Old Hall inlcude Richard III, Henry VIII, John Wesley and the Pilgrim Fathers. Gainsborough Old Hall was given to the nation in 1970 by descendants of the Hickman family.

A party from SI Mansfield and District enjoyed the visit with commentary from Sue Allan, who has also written books on the History of this Medieval building. Afterwards we all enjoyed afternoon tea at the Hall.