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Soroptimist International of Newcastle upon Tyne believes Women’s Rights are Human Rights

Newcastle upon Tyne Soroptimists Believe to Achieve Gender Equality. For 16 Days of Activism starting 25th November to 10th December, Soroptimists everywhere will have #OrangetheWorld.   Each of the 16 Days we celebrate, marks a step towards women’s rights and a safe space for them.  Each day is a call for action and provides a focus for our projects. Soroptimist International believes that women’s rights are human rights and through our work in the communities we work with that objective.

On the 16th day (10 Dec) we recall the commemoration of the day the General Assembly of the UN adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by signing of the Universal Charter of Human Rights. This is the most translated document in the world. Soroptimists of Newcastle upon Tyne believe that this powerful document is most important for the rights of women- one that can bring a gender sensitive approach to human rights via the document.

Commemorating all days is opportunities to create public awareness about what needs to change, to prevent it from happening in the first place at local, national, regional and international levels.





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