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AGM and Regional Meeting – November 2017

AGM and Regional Meeting – November 2017


[new_royalslider id=”28″] Lancaster University 4 November 2017 At the start of the Regional AGM President Angie presented Sue Biggs, our Federation President, and Judith Grocott, Director of Membership with flowers in celebration of their Federation posts. It is a great honour to have members of our Region on the Federation Management Board. Lesley Smyth gave an update on the Meru Project and was presented with a cheque which makes the total raised in our Region to £3000.00. President Angie reported that unfortunately 2 clubs had closed during the year but a new club had been formed SI Amounderness. She urged us to fill in the evaluation forms and to encourage other members to attend the Regional meeting. She thanked the Regional Executive calling them “a great team”. The accounts were approved and the Auditors were appointed for another year. President Angie then installed President Maureen.

President’s Newsletter 03

President’s Newsletter 03


[new_royalslider id=”27″] November 2017 This is my final newsletter (printable “President’s News 03” here) and I must say the year has gone very quickly.  I have enjoyed getting around the region to meet up with you all and I will report here on the events that have happened over the last couple of months. In September 20 people, members and Soroptimisters, and 4 dogs went on the Regional Walk from Sizergh Castle.  Rain had been forecast for the day but we enjoyed a really pleasant walk with only a few spots of rain.  It was very muddy underfoot in places but most of us had the correct footwear!  After a short climb we had beautiful views to the North and South and then walked across fields to end up by the river where we sat on the riverbank for a picnic lunch. The following day

Walk for Women

Walk for Women


Saturday 25 November – 10:00am – Preston Flag Market UN Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women You are invited to join Preston Soroptimists in a walk around Preston to raise awareness and to say ‘NO’ to violence against women and girls. 1 in 3 women experience physical or sexual violence because she is a woman. On average 2 women a week are killed by a partner or ex-partner every year. Please arrive at the Flag Market by 9.45 am, and if possible – wear something orange.

President’s Newsletter – 02

President’s Newsletter – 02


September 2017 [new_royalslider id=”25″] Well here I am at last with my second newsletter but rather later than I had intended – a printable version is also available here. Quite a lot has happened since the last one and I will carry on where I left off in April. I would like to start off by welcoming the members of SI Amounderness to the Region and congratulations to you all on becoming Soroptimists. I learnt a little of how difficult origami, the art of paper folding, is when I attended the Rishton and Great Harwood Friendship Evening in April. I did manage to make a pretty unimpressive box but the array of items on display was amazing, from jewellery to books with pages folded to show a message when opened. Later in the month the region held the Barton Grange Family Fun Day, which was

Amounderness Soroptimists Charter Event

Amounderness Soroptimists Charter Event


Tuesday 4th July 2017 Members from several clubs in the region joined the 13 new members for the chartering of a new Soroptimist club, SI Amounderness, and to celebrate with cheese and wine. After many photos had been taken on the lawn Rachel Mallett opened the evening welcoming everyone and explaining how the group had come together and why they were now becoming members of Soroptimist International. Their members work and live in several areas across the North West England and Isle of Man region. The club will meet in various places and will support charities and work on projects around the region. Federation President Elect Sue Biggs carried out the Chartering ceremony on behalf of Federation President Ann Hodgson. A message was read out from President Ann. The Charter document was signed by joint Presidents Andrea Wallace and Rachel Mallett and then presented to