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Recruiting new members

Recruiting new members

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Fizz and Friendship Enticing new members should be fun, so we invited women to share some fizz and find out about Salisbury Soroptimists. The venue was a local bar which kindly hosted us. We had display boards to showcase our activities and projects. On the screen we showed a rolling display of photos too. Everyone enjoyed a complimentary drink (fizz or soft!) and could mingle with existing members to find out what we are all about. We registered eleven prospective members. We hope they found us friendly and welcoming. It all seems to have worked, because five of these came to our member's meeting on Monday. At this meeting we heard from Bronwen Steele, one of the Her Salisbury Story Writing competition prize winners. Her story about a dragon and an author  won her a week's retreat in Tuscany with international author Cornelia Funk. She


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Have you been wondering what happened to our fundraising to help the Ukranian refugees transiting or staying in Moldova earlier this year? The funds we sent helped our sister Soroptimists provide food parcels to local families hosting those who fled. They were also able to provided colourful bean bags for the summer camp held recently for both Ukrainian and Moldovan teenagers. Our member, Jane, reported on the fun that the teenagers had and how each day the numbers increased as the word spread! Jane told me that 'The bean bags are now being used by the children/teenagers in the Community House of Culture for other events that the Mayor and village are organising.  They had nothing there before. We left kettles, mugs, cups, bean bags, art stuff, 2 x computers and they now have the ability to organise regular activities for both Moldavan and Ukrainian
What do 2500 bras look like?

What do 2500 bras look like?

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Salisbury Soroptimists can answer this question: 24 black sacks and a box! Many thanks to everyone who kindly donated gently used bras for Afreebra. They are now all sorted and packed ready for transport to Africa. We will shortly be taking them to a warehouse near Heathrow for onwards transmission to women in various African countries who would otherwise not be able to afford such garments. We would also like to thank Five Rivers Leisure Centre for hosting our collecting box and Penny, who made frequent trips there to keep the bin empty! Thanks too to all the other collecting points in various villages, supporters' houses and other locations. We beat last year's record by a couple of hundred! So, next year we need to beat 2527! Thank you Salisbury and surrounds!
Her Salisbury Story at the Chalke Valley History Festival

Her Salisbury Story at the Chalke Valley History Festival

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Her Salisbury Story took a tent the famous Chalke Valley History Festival, which was bigger and better this year. A week long event, it took a number of volunteers to cover all the time slots, lead by Jenny, who was there every day!  The weather did its best and worst but our tent (sponsored by Parker Bullen) kept us dry and was easy to spot with its natty green stripes. Visitors trouped by to visit the trench experience and we constantly heard ‘shelling’ and firing behind us as they saw and felt what it had been like to defend a position of the road to Dunkirk! Royal Visitor One of our members managed to ‘doorstep’ the Royal entourage of the Duchess of Cornwall, to offer her information about the project, along with a souvenir bag and map of the walking tour.        

STEM Challenge 2022

STEM Challenge 2022

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Once again the school year was disrupted by the global pandemic and it was difficult for schools to deliver the curriculum, let alone other activities. Several schools attempted to field teams for the STEM Challenge. Unfortunately, only one team managed to complete their project and submit a final report for review. The Challenge was to research a simple, sustainable innovation that could make life better for people living in poverty in the developing world. The winning project The team from Godolphin School decided to investigate sustainable ways to make drinking water safe. They tested a variety of natural products which could kill common water-bourn bacteria.  The judges were very impressed with the level of scientific investigation that the girls showed in proposing and testing hypotheses. The team not only thought about the product content, but also designed an impressive package that could be a practical

Safer Salisbury – Schools’ Forum

Safer Salisbury – Schools’ Forum

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One of the outcomes of last October's Safer Salisbury Conference, organised by Salisbury Soroptimists, was the suggestion that a Schools' Forum should take place. This would give young people a chance to voice their opinions and take action in their own schools to promote zero tolerance of unacceptable behaviour towards women and girls. Godolphin School volunteered to be the host of this initial conference and eight schools were represented with one apology. This Forum was to present to those schools unable to attend the last conference, our idea that action could be taken within Salisbury to improve safety by working with young people. This Forum introduced some of the organisations working towards our goal; including the night time economy, CCTV, Wiltshire Police, the Street Pastors, Stars, Alibare and Everyone's Invited. Ultimately we want to encourage young people to engage and mentor each other as well
Her Salisbury Footprint

Her Salisbury Footprint

Our May meeting was in the great outdoors of a summer evening in Salisbury City centre, unfortunately the weather seemed to have forgotten it was summer, but did allow us a break between showers. We met at the Guildhall in Market Square for the start of our 'taster walk' following a short section of Her Salisbury Footprint. Two of our members who have previously conducted guided walks, presented some of the fascinating women featured on the map. First was Lady Edith Hulse first female Lord Mayor of Salisbury whose portrait hangs in the Guildhall. Along Market Square we passed the Ox Row Inn where Jane Botly had her cutlery and jewellery business. The Haunch of Venison is famous for its hauntings, but did you know that it was run for 22 years by Louisa (nee Bradbeer) Potto? Passing what was the Richardson Wine Store on the
Turn out your drawers and donate gently used bras!

Turn out your drawers and donate gently used bras!

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Turn out your drawers! It's bra collection time again! Rummage through your drawers and toss out all those bras which have crept to the back as they are not the right colour, not the right shape, just not your favourites.  Bras are like friends, they should be supportive and close to your heart! Did you know? Did you know that you are supposed to be measured for a bra every six months? Well, so say some bra manufacturers! But seriously, when did you last get measured? Chances are you are wearing the same size you did a few years ago? It might be time for a change! How to donate So, what to do with the old ones?.... take your clean, gently used bras to Five Rivers Leisure Centre and pop them in our collecting box, or drop a bag full at 60 Endless Street,
Our first 'live' AGM
Our first ‘live’ AGM

Our first ‘live’ AGM

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Zoom link up For the first time in our club's history we were able to hold a 'live' AGM, with a Zoom option, rather than solely on Zoom. However, the wonders of Zoom did allow us to link up with our club member Theresa, who was in Tanzania visiting a project we support there.  Bintially, who leads the project, funded by EdUKaid, was also on the call. We watched a video that Theresa had filmed of the location of the girls' club, including the girls at the club joyfully singing with Bintially. We had the opportunity to hear from Bintially and ask her questions. She told us how our support was helping educate the girls in sexual and menstrual health both of which enable them to take responsibility for their own bodies. Menstrual kits, with reusable pads help the girls attend school throughout the month.
High Sheriff of Wiltshire learning about activites of SI Salisbury at event in Salisbury Guildhall
Promoting the Women’s Safety Initiative

Promoting the Women’s Safety Initiative


Recent local events have provided opportunities for members of the Club to promote the Women’s Safety Initiative. Lady Lansdowne, the High Sheriff of Wiltshire. is pictured here with Julia West, our incoming Communications Officer, learning about the project at the Mental Health Showcase at Salisbury’s Guildhall on 5 April.         At the same event Liz Batten, outgoing Communications Officer was able to spend time talking about the project to both the Mayor of Salisbury, Caroline Corbin, pictured here and the Deputy Mayor, her husband Tom.           Later that week there was the chance to catch up with football fans as the Salisbury Women’s Football Team were permitted a rare opportunity to play on the Salisbury RayMac stadium pitch. President Eleanor, Liz and potential new member Edwina Berkeley were on hand to talk to spectators and players about the