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A Visit to Nepal – Soroptimist-style

A visit to NepalLast November, whilst on a project to help extend a school in the poor rural village of Salgari in the Terai (lowland) area of Nepal, Gill Ribis from SI Southport Club and her good friend Sandy Cribb took the opportunity whilst in Kathmandu, to visit the recently chartered Soroptimist International club there.

They were invited to meet the club members by President Uma Bhandaree and Secretary Deepa Khakurei (pictured with Gill) and were made very welcome.  The members were all really keen to show what they had been doing since the club had been chartered 12 months earlier.

Gill said what a fantastic group of enthusiastic young women they were, eager to embrace the aims and objectives of Soroptimism which, in a country that does not have the best reputation for equal opportunities for women, is no easy task.