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Support for the International President’s Appeal, ‘Educate to Lead – Nepal’

SI President Yvonne Simpson launched her appeal ‘Educate To Lead: Nepal’ on 10 December, the very day in 1948 when the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Our President’s Appeal addresses human rights issues that follow a disaster. The earthquakes in Nepal were devastating – physically, geographically, psychologically, financially, and economically. The resulting poverty has left women and girls more vulnerable. Human traffickers prey on rural women and deceive them into losing their freedom and human rights. Many have lost their livelihoods and need to find a way to care for themselves and their families.

Women can be change agents too – and it is imperative to have women in leadership positions so they can empower their communities. Education is the key. Education empowers women with new skills and new hope for economic independence. It provides the confidence and ability to stand strong and be partners with men to lead the future. The situation needs our long term commitment to make this difference.

The SI President’s Appeal for 2015 – 2017 ‘Educate to Lead: Nepal’ will educate, empower and enable women and girls to overcome their adversity, stay safe and develop leadership skills that will in turn benefit their communities.

Locally, SI Southport raised funds from two regular events on our calendar – Friendship Night in October and International Night in December. The International Committee, under the leadership of Heather Shulver, arranged two splendid evenings – great food, fun and friendship, whilst contributing to this important cause, for which over £500 was raised.


President Elaine Tenneson with Regional President Margaret Molyneux
President Elaine Tenneson with Regional President Margaret Molyneux
International Committee Chair Heather Shulver with Regional President Margaret Molyneux
International Committee Chair Heather Shulver with Regional President Margaret Molyneux
SI Southport International Committee
SI Southport International Committee