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Relaxing Italian Social Evening in Harpenden for Club Members

Relaxing Italian Social Evening in Harpenden for Club Members

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Our last meeting before we take a bit of a break for the summer was a lovely evening at Pasta Cibo – the family run Italian restaurant in Harpenden. This was a purely social event and there were 18 of us so as you can imagine the conversation flowed easily in true Soroptimist style. Everyone said they had really enjoyed the evening – thanks Denise for organising us – and thanks to the restaurant for providing us with scrummy food and a relaxed atmosphere  – I’m sure we will be back again before too long!    

Dragons Apprentice Challenge Evening

Dragons Apprentice Challenge Evening

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Soroptimist International St Albans and District women’s group was delighted to welcome Emma Gamble from CVS (Centre for Voluntary Service) St Albans on Monday 10 July. Emma is pictured here in the centre with Jennie Redford (l) and Jane Slatter (r). Emma gave Club Members a very informative presentation  which can be downloaded as a PDF here: Dragons Apprentice Presentation Soroptimists July 2017 Emma explained how the Dragons’ Apprentice Challenge started and how it has grown and developed including the new “Junior Apprentice Challenge” for Primary Schools launched last year. The Club has applied again for 2017/18 and will find out later this year if their application has been successful. The Dragons’ Apprentice Challenge is run by CVS with the aim to “Bring education, business and not for profit together to develop young minds”. This fits well with the Soroptimist mission to “Educate, Empower and Enable” women

Soroptimists Partner Harpenden Lions for the Highland Gathering

Soroptimists Partner Harpenden Lions for the Highland Gathering

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St Albans and District Soroptimists supported the Harpenden Lions at the annual Harpenden Highland Gathering selling the Prize Draw Charity Raffle tickets. This is a partnership arrangement where Soroptimists share the workload with Harpenden Lions to great effect. Charities benefiting from the event are: Combat Stress – A leading UK veterans’ mental health charity. Kids in Action –  a  charity providing sporting and social activities, day trips and holidays for children,  young people and young adults with disabilities and special needs Harpenden Lions Club charities, including the Life Skills Programme in local schools.  See Pictured here are Soroptimist President Rita Andrews, Harpenden Lion Jane Sadler and Soroptimist past-President Denise Powell. It was a beautiful day – and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves doing good while having a good time – what perfect partnership work!

Action Needed to Improve the Health of the 51%: Women

Action Needed to Improve the Health of the 51%: Women

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Dr Edward Mullins (Ed) was a thought provoking speaker with some authority on the subject of women’s health at our meeting on 26 June. Ed is Senior Registrar in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital and Editor-in-Chief of the recent “Annual Report on Women’s Health” and presented the findings of this ground-breaking report prepared for the first female Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Professor Dame Sally Davies. Ed is pictured here on the left with Members of the Club’s Sustainable Environment and Wellbeing (SEW) Team, plus President Rita Andrews on the right (in case you’re wondering Ed is holding the Club mascot Sally Bear). Ed’s presentation can be downloaded here: Ed Soroptimist Health Presentation 260617 and the audio recording of the evening can be played from here:!ArNtdNTFVpB2gz_ig5hQqmAST0R0 He spoke to a well informed audience of almost 50 people (Soroptimists and guests) who asked some searching questions. Some of the highlights

Group Hug for New Member Saleema Davies

Group Hug for New Member Saleema Davies

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The Club was delighted to be able to welcome new Member Saleema Davies at their meeting in June. Saleema is pictured here in a group hug with Club Membership Officer Amanda Brown (left) and Club President Rita Andrews (right). Rita is also introducing Saleema to “Sally Soroptimist Bear” the Club’s mascot (see Rita’s left hand). Saleema is a legal consultant in aviation and dispute resolution. She is also a hypnotherapist and hands-on mother to two young children. What better person to have as a Soroptimist – as the saying goes if you want something doing ask a busy person! Saleema said every time she hears the Soroptimist International Vision and Mission it gives her goosebumps – please click here to read the SI Vision and  We have a short informal induction ceremony in which the new Member, and all Club Members present, pledge their duty to

Why Soroptimist? Membership Month 2017

Why Soroptimist? Membership Month 2017

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At our May meeting about reducing our carbon footprint Members donned their “Ask me why I’m a Soroptimist” T Shirts as part of the Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) #WhySoroptimist ? campaign. (pictured her l to r are Denise Powell, Jane Slatter, Sally Bear with Janet Tansley, Helen Byrne, Ameeta Sabharwal and Pamela Rochford). Answers to the “Why Soroptimist?” question are many and varied – we all want to make a difference to the lives of women and girls and we all get a lot of support from the friendships we have developed with one another. With project evenings like the one this May on the environment and last year on giving birth in prisions, we are proud that as Soroptimists we are not afraid to tackle difficult and unpopular issues.     The second picture is from Membership Month in 2016 –

How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint One Step at a Time

How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint One Step at a Time

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On 22 May Catherine Ross from Transition St Albans talked to the Club about the impact of their successful district-wide initiative –  “SuStAinable StAlbans Week” and highlighted their practical strategy to reduce our carbon footprint street by street. If you click on the link below you can view Catherine’s excellent presentation: SustainableStAbansMay 2017 Cutting your Carbon Footprint One Step at a Time The photo is of Catherine Ross (3rd from left) with the Club’s Sustainable Environment and Wellbeing (SEW) Team. Katherine Clark presented Catherine with a cheque for £25 Catherine for Transition St Albans as a thank you for such an informative evening. The Club had held events in Sustainable St Albans Week for the last 2 years  and and was using the event as the beginning of the planning process for what to do next year when the event has moved to 21 – 29 April 2018 and also ongoing activities

International Citizen Hazel goes to Cambodia with VSO

International Citizen Hazel goes to Cambodia with VSO

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On Monday 8 May Hazel Duffell visited our Club to tell us about the adventure that she will be embarking upon in June.  Hazel will be volunteering for three months in partnership with the charity Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO). She will be working on development projects in Cambodia,  which will focus on health, education and livelihoods.  Hazel is a Biology graduate from the University of Exeter, and has since returned home to live in Harpenden, and work for a charity. Hazel applied for and was chosen as a participant on International Citizen Service. International Citizen Service (ICS) is an opportunity for 18 to 25 year old volunteers, like Hazel, to help some of the poorest people in the world and learn valuable new skills at the same time. It’s a programme that brings young people from different countries together to fight poverty. In many poorer countries

Club Twins Three Toilets

Club Twins Three Toilets

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The Club has now twinned 3 toilets for Toilet Twinning following successful fundraising and donations starting last November on World Toilet Day  We started by having a bottle sale which raised £67.55 and then Members took away disposable recycled coffee cups to “spend a penny” between November and February. Finally Club Members decided to make additional donations so that a toilet could be twinned as a gift for President Denise at the end of her three years as Club President – what else could a girl want? Denise was really chuffed – please see pic where Denise was presented with her certificate of her Twinned Toilet in Nepal at the Club’s AGM. For every £60 raised Toilet Twinning twins a toilet with a loo halfway around the world, in a country of our choosing. Toilet Twinning is particularly close to Soroptimists’ hearts because we know that without toilets girls

60 for 60 – what a diamond year!

60 for 60 – what a diamond year!

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The Club celebrated with events right through the year from April 2016 to April 2017. Events included our inspirational International Women’s Day live radio broadcast, fundraising for the Women’s Refuge from a quiz night, a market bookstall and carol singing at Harpenden station. We learned about and supported St Albans Refugees, Toilet Twinning, Sustainable St Albans, Birth Companions and many other great causes. We ended with a glittering weekend of diamond celebrations! If you click here you will see the full list: 60 for 60 Final List PDF We were very proud to win best photo for Soroptimist Membership Month last year – with this photo in our “Ask Me Why I’m a Soroptimist” T Shirts. To get a flavour of our “60 for 60” projects just scroll down through our Club news and you will see what a busy year it was!    

Soroptimists Get Hotter at Shopping!

Soroptimists Get Hotter at Shopping!

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Eight Club Members accepted an invitation to an evening at Hotter Shoes in St Albans. They learned all about these British shoes – had a great time trying on dozens of pairs of shoes, were given refreshments and goody bags filled with treats including scarves and purses! Retail therapy at its best – of course most of us bought shoes with the discount we were given for the evening! Jennie even won a pair of shoes of her choice in the raffle – she was really chuffed – and they are lovely… After the shoes we all retired just down the road to L’Italiana Restaurant for much needed sustenance after all of that shopping! What a lovely way to spend an evening with Soroptimist friends!

Long Service Awards – 25 for Rosemary and 50 for Joan!

Long Service Awards – 25 for Rosemary and 50 for Joan!

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The Club was delighted to be able to present long service awards to Joan Williams and Rosemary Cooper this year. Joan Williams has been a Member of the Club for 50 years! and was presented with her certificate at our recent 60th Anniversary Gala Dinner by SIGBI President Ann Hodgson.   Appropriately, Joan, as the Club’s longest serving Member was asked to present the 25 Years Certificate to Rosemary Cooper. A recent coffee morning in Jean Eaton’s home provided a perfect opportunity for the presentation and the celebration of both Joan and Rosemary’s awards with other Soroptimist friends.               Soroptimist International St Albans and District – Women Serving the St Albans Community Since 1957 The Club celebrated its Diamond Anniversary in April 2017, and this project was a “60 for 60″ production……..

Dragon’s Apprentice Challenge Finale – Fundraising for Rennie Grove Hospice

Dragon’s Apprentice Challenge Finale – Fundraising for Rennie Grove Hospice

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Soroptimist Dragons Jennie Redford and Jane Slatter were delighted to attend the 2017 Dragons Apprentice Awards Evening at the University of Hertfordshire. Fellow Soroptimist Jean Eaton, also attended as an Ambassador for Rennie Grove Hospice.Team Elite from St Albans Girls’ School (STAGS) were joined by supporting Teacher Helen Glanvill. Team Elite from Year 12 at STAGS completed their fundraising for Rennie Grove Hospice  and raised a brilliant £848.75 in spite of loads of setbacks! To quote a TV Apprentice the team had “bouncebackability”. Team Elite also won the award for the best poster on the evening which was very well deserved. To read more about how the girls raised the money please read this news item They were certainly very busy – impressive at such a busy stage in their school lives! The awards evening was a celebration of the hard work of all the Teams involved – including the

AGM marks the end of a Diamond Year and the start of our 61st Year…

AGM marks the end of a Diamond Year and the start of our 61st Year…

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The AGM marks the end of a Diamond Year and the start of our 61st Year… Members of Soroptimist International St Albans and District enjoyed a lively Annual General Meeting in April. The AGM marked the end of the Club’s 60th Diamond Anniversary Year, and the start of the Club’s 61st year with President Rita Andrews at the helm. We were delighted that SI London Chilterns Regional President Jen Simpson was able to join us for this special occasion. Please see new President Rita’s message on this web page: After an inspiring 3 years as Club President Denise Powell handed over to our new President Rita Andrews and said “it has been such a pleasure and privilege for me to be President this year. It gave me the chance to launch our ’60 for 60′ initiative. I was really keen that we had something

Amsterdam Trip to the Flower Gardens

Amsterdam Trip to the Flower Gardens

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Ameeta Sabharwal of the St Albans and District Soroptimist Club organises a day-trip to the Keukenhof  Gardens in Amsterdam every year. A group of Soroptimists and friends had a wonderful outing in April this year. The theme at the Gardens was Dutch design and these pictures show the flowers in the colours of famous dutch paintings. Needless to say – everyone had a wonderful time!                           Soroptimist International St Albans and District – Women Serving the St Albans Community Since 1957 The Club celebrated its Diamond Anniversary in April 2017, and this event was a “60 for 60″ production……..    

Glittering Diamond Celebrations for St Albans Soroptimists

Glittering Diamond Celebrations for St Albans Soroptimists

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Glittering Weekend of Diamond Celebrations for our Club – Women Serving the St Albans Community Since 1957 The highlight of our weekend of celebrations was the glittering diamond gala dinner on Saturday night at Aldwickbury Park Golf Club in Harpenden. Guests of Honour were Countess Verulam Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire and Ann Hodgson President of Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland, pictured here with Soroptimist International St Albans and District Club President Denise Powell. We were delighted to welcome visitors from all of our Club’s Soroptimist Friendship Link Clubs: Warsaw Poland, Chico USA, Muenster Germany and Osaka Japan (see picture of Osaka Members with Beatriz Sampson and Helen Byrne). We welcomed Soroptimist dignitaries and Members of Soroptimist Clubs from across the UK including Brixham, Bedford, Cambridge, Cwmbran, Glasgow, Southport, Widnes, Winchester, and from many of the Clubs in our Region: Bedford, Hertford, High Wycombe, Oxford, two

Is it Still a Mans World? Yes but… Conclusion of the International Womens Day Debate

Is it Still a Mans World? Yes but… Conclusion of the International Womens Day Debate

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Is it Still a Man’s World? Yes but…… The women’s group Soroptimist International St Albans and District hosted a lively 2 hour long debate marking International Women’s Day and the Club’s 60th Anniversary on Tuesday 7 March at The Maltings Arts Theatre St Albans. It was broadcast live on Radio Verulam and is available to download and listen to now  Please scroll through the photos below as you listen and you can imagine you were there! This event marked the United Nations International Women’s Day 2017 [new_royalslider id=”5″]       This event was introduced by Denise Powell, President of the St Albans Soroptimist Club and chaired by business expert and academic Roma Bhowmick. The panellists (L to R) were Siobhan Godley tax partner in a London law firm, Aline Bavister from the pharmaceutical industry, Jenny Brown Headteacher of St Albans High School for Girls, Amy Whitehead Commonwealth medallist, Commander Catherine Jordan Royal Navy and Annie Brewster Councillor and

Flipping Brilliant Pancake Day

Flipping Brilliant Pancake Day

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The Pancake Race is a long-standing tradition in St Albans – a chance for adults to have as much fun as children do on Shrove Tuesday and raise valuable funds for local charities. This year Home-Start Hertfordshire took over the organisation of the event and asked Members of Soroptimist International St Albans and District to volunteer as part of the ongoing service we provide to this worthwhile charity. Eight of us brave the cold and helped set up and man the registration tent for the 23 teams of four which took part in either a running or walking race. Our members fulfilled a number of roles during the event: Checking for adherence to the rules – lack of flipping and running when they should have been walking, Handing out the pancakes at the start Collecting donations from the public, handing out stickers and leaflets about Home-Start

Girl Guide Sophie Fundraising to work on Nepal Projects

Girl Guide Sophie Fundraising to work on Nepal Projects

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The Club was delighted to welcome Sophie Hicks to their meeting. Sophie gave a presentation on her forthcoming trip to Nepal 27 July to 9 Aug with Girl Guiding Anglia and Projects Abroad where she will be working with local schools and orphanages in Kathmandu as they struggle to recover from the earthquake that took place in April 2015. Sophie is a local Girl Guide Rainbow Leader and year 11 student from Beaumont School. Click here to read the excellent presentation that Sophie delivered: Girlguiding trip to Nepal 2017 Soroptimists the trip has an open Facebook page, so for updates throughout the trip this is where you’ll be able find out more To qualify for the trip Sophie has to raise the money to pay for it – so she asked if she could come and speak to the Club. We of course agreed and asked

Soroptimist Engages the Minds of Verulam School 6th Form

Soroptimist Engages the Minds of Verulam School 6th Form

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St Albans and District Soroptimist Jane Slatter gave a presentation to Verulam School 6th Formers about “Philanthropy” in the context of Soroptimists on 10 Feb for a programme called “Engaging Minds”. Jane was asked to speak as Director of Communications for Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland – a voluntary post she held for 6 years with her term of office ending in November 2016. The pupils and staff including the Headmaster of the school Paul Ramsey made Jane feel very welcome on the day. Verulam school is a boys’ school until 6th form when girls’ are encouraged to apply to the school to study their A Levels. This year there are 120 boys and 30 girls in the 6th form. Jane is pictured here in the school hall with three of the 6th form students. The school runs a series of lectures for the

Club Welcomes New Member Barbara Saunders

Club Welcomes New Member Barbara Saunders

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The Club was delighted to be able to welcome new Member Barbara Saunders at their meeting in January. Barbara is pictured here between Club President Denise Powell (left) and Club Membership Officer Helen Byrne (right) sharing the “hands of Soroptimist friendship”. Recently retired, Barbara has spent all her working life campaigning for the voice of consumers to be heard in the corridors of power in Brussels, Westminster, Whitehall and the Boardrooms of regulatory bodies. She has also participated in Disciplinary Tribunals assessing the conduct of architects, accountants, and vets. Now more modest ambitions prevail, but she is keen to be actively involved in Soroptimists Programme Action.  We have a short informal induction ceremony in which the new Member, and all Club Members present, pledge their duty to the Club, the organisation and to each other. We hope that Barbara will enjoy being part of this active Soroptimist Club.

Soroptimists Provide Interview Practice at St Albans Girls School

Soroptimists Provide Interview Practice at St Albans Girls School

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Five Soroptimists volunteered this year to take part in St Albans Girls School (STAGS) “Big Interview day” for year 11 (GCSE year) students. Pictured here l to r are Pamela Rochford, Jennie Redford, Denise Powell, Amanda Brown and Barbara Saunders. As part of the careers programme at St Albans Girls’ School, they offer a mock interview to every year 11 student on a day called “The Big Interview”. Each student has a 15 minute interview based on CV’s they have prepared in school and receive verbal and written feedback. The event has been running the for the past 5 years, and it is very well received by students, for some of whom it is their first interview experience. Soroptimists have been involved for the last 2 years and have found meeting the girls a real inspiration – a win win for everyone involved! Soroptimist International St Albans

Coffee for the Refuge at the Wesley Coffee Shop‏

Coffee for the Refuge at the Wesley Coffee Shop‏

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Soroptimist Baristas at Wesley’s Church Coffee Shop High Street Harpenden Pictured here are St Albans Soroptimist  baristas Joan WIlliams, Allyson Walker, Jean Eaton, Denise Powell and Janet Audley-Charles. Coffee mornings at the Wesley Coffee Shop are a great way for us to swell the coffers for our Club’s charity – this year it’s the St Albans and Hertsmere Women’s Refuge – we raised £75 on 7th January! We’ll be doing it again on 18 March between 10am and 12.30 so please drop in for Coffee and Yummy Cakes at Wesley’s Cafe High Street, Harpenden – fundraising for the St Albans and Hertsmere Women’s Refuge Soroptimist International St Albans and District – Women Serving the St Albans Community Since 1957 The Club will celebrate its Diamond Anniversary in April 2017, and these events are a “60 for 60″ production……..        

Carol Singing Success at Harpenden Station for Womens Refuge

Carol Singing Success at Harpenden Station for Womens Refuge

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Soroptimist Carol Singing at Harpenden station – fundraised more than £500 for the St Albans and Hertsmere Women’s Refuge – and marked Human Rights Day. This year the group had to switch to Harpenden Station instead of St Albans at late notice so the £501.87 feels more like a million dollars! Thanks so much to the generous Harpenden Travellers, and to all the singers including some extra friends and supporters who joined us on the night. Recent funding cuts and increased demand mean that the Refuge needs additional funding now more than ever before. This news was also reported in the St Albans and Harpenden Review Afterwards many Club Members went to Pasta Cibo in Harpenden for a delicious meal, a welcome warm up and to wish one other season’s greetings! Club Members also made donations of £58, in lieu of sending one another Christmas cards, to the International

Dragons Apprentice Challenge Update

Dragons Apprentice Challenge Update

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The Dragon’s Apprentice Challenge Team Elite from St Albans Girls’ School STAGS (the team the Club is Dragon to), have got their fundraising off to a great start for Rennie Grove Hospice  raising nearly £250 already. They held a fashion show, and also sold amusingly packaged sweets at the school Christmas Fair. Scroll through the images in the slideshow below and you will see two of the girls modelling, plus a brave teacher Mrs Glanvill and Soroptimist Dragon Jane Slatter – and some sample packets of sweets. [new_royalslider id=”3″] In November, Team Elite from the St Albans Dragons‘ Apprentice Challenge were awarded an invitation to the launch of  Fair Life Charity in Portcullis House Westminster with a visit to Parliament – with Soroptimist “Dragon” Jennie Redford (pictured centre). Dragons Apprentice Challenge were awarded a certificate for their work with students in local schools.  The other team there was from Oaklands College. The Fairlife Charity raises

Human Rights Day Celebration in Beaconsfield

Human Rights Day Celebration in Beaconsfield

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Soroptimists from Clubs in the London Chilterns Region, including 8 Members of SI St Albans and District, gathered in Beaconsfield to mark Human Rights Day. Four candles were lit – one to remember those in the world who are denied their human rights, the second to celebrate the work of women across the world, the third to celebrate the work of Soroptimists acrossSoroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland (follow this link to find out more about the Spoon Project )and the fourth to celebrate the work of Soroptimists across the world. Our first speaker was Janie Grover from SI High Wycombe & District who told us about her life-changing trip to Peru with the charity iProjects working on a construction project in Lima to improve the lives of a community. Poverty, crime and violence are rife in Lima which is home to 12 million people. Janie is now fundraising for

Making a Splash at the Malta Conference

Making a Splash at the Malta Conference

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Three Members of SI St Albans and District were excited to be able to attend Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland’s Conference in Malta this year – Denise Powell, Hilary Ratcliffe and Jane “Pinky” Slatter. The Conference was truly inspirational with fantastic speakers including Dr Helen Sharman OBE – Britains First Astronaut – there is more detail on the Conference website   The1st photo shows President Denise Powell in the centre, receiving an award from Director of Membership Sue Williams (left) for the Club winning joint  “Photo of the Month” from May  Membership Month “Ask me why I’m a Soroptimist” campaign (winning pic also shown here). On the Friday morning of the Conference the 1000 delegates were asked to wear as much pink as possible and make a “pink splash” by the pool of the Conference hotel for Breast Cancer awareness and fundraising. The event was perfect

SuStAinable St Albans Evening – FoodCycle and Spice Drops

SuStAinable St Albans Evening – FoodCycle and Spice Drops

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The St Albans Soroptimist Club had an inspirational evening as part of SuStAinable St Albans 2016. Group Members plus many guests explored sustainability with informative talks from FoodCycle and Spice Drops – this event was part of Sustainable St Albans Week 19-26 Nov Ellie Jenkins from Sustainable St Albans said “I had a great time, everyone was very welcoming and I thought the quality of talks was fantastic-thank you so much for being involved in the week!”                                                                                                                                              

World Toilet Day, 90th Birthday and Refuge Gifts – busy Club meeting!

World Toilet Day, 90th Birthday and Refuge Gifts – busy Club meeting!

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It was a busy Club Meeting on Nov 7th – the Club Marked “World Toilet Day” by having a bottle sale which raised £67.55 for “Toilet Twinning” – in addition Members took away disposable recycled coffee cups and  will “spend a penny” between now and our Meeting on Jan 16th. For every £60 we raise we can twin a toilet with a loo halfway around the world, in a country of our choosing. On the same evening we celebrated Sheila Chadwick’s 90th Birthday with a beautiful cake. Sheila also gave a “life talk” – filled with so many stories of how she has benefited the St Albans Community with her career in social health and still continuing her support of the Armoral Hill Day Centre for the elderly to this day. Every year Club Members donate lovely Christmas presents for the clients at the St Albans and

Autumn Capability Brown walk around Ashridge

Autumn Capability Brown walk around Ashridge

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This year is 300 Years since the birth of Capability Brown, so the Club set our on the 2nd of these walks to take in the beauty of Autumn. Our last one was in August – see: Although the air was cold, the warmth of the camaraderie was as warm as toast! After a cuppa at the café close to the Bridgewater Monument (pictured here) we split into 2 groups and my one went ‘the long way round’ to take in the College, Golf Course and woods.  The colours of Autumn dominated the landscape, the colour of Summer dominated the sky.  The chat was easy and flowing, underfoot was easy and (mainly) dry.  We didn’t see any fauna but the flora more than compensated with its majestic trees covered in leaves of jewelled greens, yellows, bronzes, browns and reds.  Our circular walk took about an hour and a

Workings of the Family Court – an enlightening evening

Workings of the Family Court – an enlightening evening

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On Monday 24 Oct we held an evening to learn about the Workings of the Family Court. Our Violence Against Women Programme Team, led by Club President Denise Powell (pictured here centre) arranged for Peter Spencer JP (pictured here right) and Gladys Cummings JP (pictured here left), long standing and highly experienced Lay Judges in the Family Court, to take us through the evening. Judging by the very lively question and answer sessions, the attendees found this to be a thoroughly absorbing subject which threw light on the hard work that Family Justices do to protect children to the best of their ability. With growing numbers of relationships breaking down, the Family Court has an increasing workload ensuring that arrangements are put in place for child placement and parental access etc, with the welfare of the children as the item of paramount importance.  These cases often (but not exclusively)

Our President Travels and Meets Soroptimist Gold Coast Sisters

Our President Travels and Meets Soroptimist Gold Coast Sisters

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Our Club President, Denise Powell, took the opportunity whilst on holiday in Australia (Ed: lucky Denise!) to make contact with our sisters from Soroptimist International Gold Coast. Denise reports back here: “Although they didn’t have a meeting during my time there, 3 of the Members (President Alison Robinson, Dorothea Banner and Elwyn Syers) took time out of their summer break to meet with me (over coffee and cake!). I gave them a gift of a book about St Albans, and they gave me a Club pennant to bring home and share with our Club. It was fascinating to hear about some of the programmes that their Club is undertaking, particularly in relation to the indigenous population. They have some neat little activities too, including keeping a ‘penny’ box into which their Members pop the tiniest of the coins at each meeting… apparently all mounts up…. A lovely warm group

Yolanda – back from the Maldives with GOLD

Yolanda – back from the Maldives with GOLD

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Yolanda King gave an enthralling presentation of her trips with Guiding Overseas Linked to Development (GOLD) at our Club Meeting. Having participated in GOLD Guyana 2014, Yolanda achieved the Queens Guide Award in 2015 and was then selected to be Leader of GOLD Maldives in 2016. Girl Guides in the Maldives are keen to have help in building up their Young Leaders, they see retention and recruiting new Guide Leaders as key to the associations’ success. Yolanda and her team worked on 3 very different islands in the Maldives providing a wealth of different experiences. This lovely picture shows Yolanda on the Southern atoll island of Fuvahmulah where she demonstrated for the Guide Leaders how to run Training sessions for “Little Maids” and “Stars”. Girlguiding is part of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), the world’s largest women’s organisation. Guiding principles are shared across

St Albans Soroptimists are in Dragons’ Apprentice Challenge 2017

St Albans Soroptimists are in Dragons’ Apprentice Challenge 2017

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The Dragons Apprentice Challenge is run by CVS St Albans (Centre for Voluntary Service) . Over 80 ambitious students have taken up the Dragons’ Apprentice Challenge this year across St Albans and Harpenden; 11 different teams will compete over the next few months to increase their £100 start up cash into over £1000 by mid-February.  There are 11 Teams of Year 12 students from schools across St Albans and Harpenden this year. The launch which was held on Tuesday 4th October and hosted by Loreto College, where the teams were matched with a Dragon and with a charity partner. This is the first year that St Albans Soroptimists have been Dragons and we are delighted to be matched with St Albans Girls School (STAGS) and the charity Rennie Grove Hospice The Club has close links with the school and has supported the charity for many years. Soroptimist Jennie

Obituary Mary Campbell

Obituary Mary Campbell

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Mary Campbell, former headmistress of the Royal School, Bath, and Member of Soroptimist International St Albans and District, died peacefully, aged 92, on 3rd September 2016. Her funeral service will be held at The Cathedral and Abbey Church of St Alban, in The Lady Chapel on Monday 26th September, at 1pm. Any donations are requested for ‘The Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban’ or ‘The Alzheimer’s Society’ Mary cared deeply for her “girls” from school and maintained contact with many of them – sending and receiving about 400 Christmas Cards every year – each with a personal letter (she started writing her Christmas letters in October!). When Mary moved back to St Albans she became very involved with St Albans Abbey Cathedral, including working as a volunteer guide. She had many great friends at the Abbey. Mary was an active member of Soroptimist International. She joined the

10 Members find Herts Hidden Heroines

10 Members find Herts Hidden Heroines

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10 Club Members went along together to the Hertfordshire Hidden Heroines exhibition at Verulamium Museum, St Albans. The project was initiated to discover, celebrate and present the stories of pioneering Hertfordshire women and there is more information on the HHH website: The Herts Hidden Heroines website includes three inspirational Members of SI St Albans and District – Hilary Ratcliffe OBE, Audrey Collins OBE, and Peggy Hodges OBE  there is more about these wonderful Soroptimists on our Club website After the exhibition the group retired to the Inn on the Park Cafe to mull over the exhibition over a welcome cup of tea and delicious piece of cake. The cafe is close to the museum in Verulamium Park and a popular venue for our Club Members… Soroptimist International St Albans and District – Women Serving the St Albans Community Since 1957 The Club will celebrate its Diamond Anniversary in April

Perfect Day for Capability Brown Walk in Brocket Park

Perfect Day for Capability Brown Walk in Brocket Park

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Members had the perfect day for their Capability Brown Walk in Brocket Park. This year is 300 Years since the birth of Capability Brown and the Herts Gardens Trust has produced leaflets detailing 10 different walks The Club is planning to do another of these walks in November to take in the beauty of Autumn. Amanda, who lives close-by to Brocket Hall, kindly hosted the group for a pot luck picnic lunch before the walk and tea afterwards where we were also rewarded with some of Joan Williams’ delicious home-made scones! Unfortunately Diana, who was the inspiration for the event, had a sprained ankle, so could only join us at the start and end of the walk (she was there for the scones obviously!). The first pic, taken by Jane’s Mum Joan,  is of (l to r) Maria, Diana, Jane, Joan and Linda. Linda’s husband David joined us for lunch but he

Soroptimist helps StAR and HWSF sort donated goods for refugees

Soroptimist helps StAR and HWSF sort donated goods for refugees

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Soroptimist Pamela Rochford (pictured 3rd from right at the back) spent a busy morning at the garage sorting out items with Herts Welcomes Syrian Families and StAR to take to refugee camps. The Club recently held a meeting to find out more about the refugee crisis from StAR and HWSF and also supported a Curry-night fundraiser   Soroptimist International St Albans and District – Women Serving the St Albans Community Since 1957 The Club will celebrate its Diamond Anniversary in April 2017, and this event is a “60 for 60″ production……..      

St Albans Soroptimists join Lewisham and SE London 50 Year Celebration

St Albans Soroptimists join Lewisham and SE London 50 Year Celebration

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Soroptimist International Lewisham and South East London celebrated the Club’s 50th Anniversary with a lunch at the historic Clarendon Hotel in Blackheath. Bea Lawes (pictured front row left) welcomed everyone and after a delightful meal, Federation President Margaret Emsley proposed a toast to the Lewisham Club, reflecting on their history, their noted member, Hilary Page, (who sadly was unwell and could not attend) and their recent project work (the Club may be small but really punches above it’s weight with great projects to improve the lives of women and girls). Regional President Pam (pictured centre back row) responded on behalf of the club and congratulated them on their anniversary and on a great event. Our club was represented by President Denise Powell, pictured here back row 3rd from right with some of the Lewisham ladies and Regional President Pam. Denise’s daughter Becca is a recent addition to

Girls Cricket – Abbots Langley U13 – Winners of Soroptimist Audrey Collins Trophy 2016 – for the 3rd Year Running!

Girls Cricket – Abbots Langley U13 – Winners of Soroptimist Audrey Collins Trophy 2016 – for the 3rd Year Running!

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A grey start turned into a nice sunny morning as we watched 2 talented teams of U13 Girls battle it out for the Soroptimist Girls Under 13’s Audrey Collins Cricket Trophy. The finalists this year were the holders Abbots Langley and Stevenage. Soroptimist Club President Denise presented the Abbots Langley team with the shield and trophy and in the 2nd picture both teams of girls are intermingled as suggested by the girls’ coaches. A 20 over game based on the rules of Kwik Cricket, this is enjoyment for, and fair play by, all players in the team. Teams start the innings with 200 on the board and runs are added either by the batting side scoring runs or the bowlers bowling wides or no balls (2 run penalty awarded to the batting side).    5 runs are deducted when a batter is deemed to be out but the batter

£2075 Raised for the Womens Refuge!

£2075 Raised for the Womens Refuge!

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Liz Perry, Manager of the St Albans and Hertsmere Women’s Refuge was delighted to receive a cheque for £2075 raised by the St Albans & District Soroptimists in the Club Year 2015/16. Liz is pictured here (centre) receiving the cheque from Club President Denise Powell (right), and the Club’s liaison with the Refuge, Jennie Redford (left). Liz said the money would pay for their annual trip to the seaside and for a visit from the amazing Ark Farm to the Refuge. She was very appreciative of the personal donations of refreshment items from the members. As well as fundraising, the club provides tea, coffee and sugar for the Refuge (because “there is almost nothing that can’t be made better by a cup of tea”) household items to help women leaving the Refuge get started in a new home and Christmas gifts. Liz said how grateful the Refuge is for

Soroptimists Support Harpenden Highland Gathering

Soroptimists Support Harpenden Highland Gathering

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St Albans and District Soroptimists supported the Harpenden Lions at the annual Harpenden Highland Gathering selling the Prize Draw Charity Raffle tickets which raised a super £670 in spite of a wet start to the day – sales really picked up once the sun came out! This year’s charities were Diabetes Advice and Support Hertfordshire (DASH) and PSP Association (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy & Cortico Basal Degeneration). This year the two organisations are working closely together because of the wonderful husband and wife team – John Powell is President of the Harpenden Lions and Denise Powell (pictured left below banging the drum) is President of Soroptimist International St Albans and District) – what a dynamic duo they are!   Pictured here are Soroptimist Club President Denise Powell (left) Janet Audley Charles (also banging the drum) with a demure Jennie Redford on the right! Soroptimist International St Albans and

Revealing Refugee Update for Soroptimist Club and Guests

Revealing Refugee Update for Soroptimist Club and Guests

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What is happening about the refugee crisis in St Albans and Hertfordshire? was the question being answered at the Club’s meeting where Soroptimist Members and guests heard revealing updates from Herts Welcomes Syrian Families (HWSF), STAR (St Albans Refugees). A presentation about the Badael report on women’s peace initiatives in Syria gave context to the humanitarian crisis and hope for the future in Syria with women as the key to peace and rebuilding. In the photograph are Soroptimist Members of the SEW Team (Sustainability, Environment and Wellbeing) who hosted the evening, Liz Needham and Farhat Zia from STAR plus Catherine Henderson and Katie Seaton from HWSF. Catherine Henderson from “Herts Welcomes Syrian Families” #refugeeswelcome explained the scheme, sponsored by the Government’s Depertment for International Development (DfID), to resettle Syrian families with vulnerable family Members who will have the right to remain in the UK for 5 years. HWSF started out

SIStA Soroptimists – St Albans Supporting Southport

SIStA Soroptimists – St Albans Supporting Southport

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A production of ‘Grumpy Old Women’ gave President Denise (pictured left) a reason to visit her sister Lainie (2nd from right), well known to us as a Member of SI Southport, and to help the Southport Club with their Membership Month activity. They set up a stall in the foyer of the Atkinson Theatre to attract the many ladies who were going to watch the show and inviting them to ask about Soroptimists with leaflets and sporting “Ask me why I’m a Soroptimist” badge #WhySoroptimist ? The Club, called their event ‘Hats Off for Membership Month’. It was Denise’s pleasure to don a hat and get to work. As you can see from the photo, the team were far from Grumpy, great fun was had – another class SIStA act!! Please also see the SI Southport website: Soroptimist International St Albans and District Women Serving the St Albans

Women’s Conference/Soroptimist Regional Meeting

Women’s Conference/Soroptimist Regional Meeting

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The June Soroptimist Regional Meeting/Women’s Conference was hosted this year by the Milton Keynes Soroptimist Club (St Albans hosted last year). The Milton Keynes Soroptimist Club was only started a year ago, and they did a brilliant job on creating an inspirational day for everyone who attended! The MK Dons Ladies Football Club team (pictured here with Regional President Pam) were there to mingle with us and show us the trophy that they had received for being the South East Division winners of the Berks and Bucks Football Association for the third year running.  Food for thought – the men get paid to play, the ladies have to pay to play! Sakura Japanese Ladies Choir The meeting opened with 6 Japanese Ladies singing some quite haunting Japanese Folk songs.   Their beautiful voices and obvious enthusiasm and passion really set the tone for the day ahead. Jackie

Club Welcomes New Member Katherine Clark

Club Welcomes New Member Katherine Clark

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The Club was delighted to be able to welcome new Member Katherine Clark at their meeting in June. Katherine is pictured here between Club President Denise Powell (right) and Club Membership Officer Helen Byrne (left) having been given her Club badge and Membership folder of information. They are holding up the “Ask Me Why I’m a Soroptimist” flyer – Katherine’s answer is ” I feel passionate about all the issues the Club is working on”. Katherine is a Life Skills Coach with her own company ‘Essential Life Skills’ which is a specialist support and training service set up to work with people with mental health needs. Katherine has 15 years experience working with young people and adults with complex and enduring mental health needs.  please check out her website to find out more and you will see why she will be another wonderful Soroptimist  We have a

Successful Theatre Charity Night Raises £1000 for the St Albans and Hertsmere Women’s Refuge!

Successful Theatre Charity Night Raises £1000 for the St Albans and Hertsmere Women’s Refuge!

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The Charity Night at the Abbey Theatre St Albans raised almost £1000 for the St Albans and Hertsmere Women’s Refuge! Huge thanks to Soroptimist Jean Eaton who organised the event (pictured introducing The Charity Night at the Abbey Theatre St Albans raised almost £1000 for the St Albans and Hertsmere Women’s Refuge! Huge thanks to Soroptimist Jean Eaton who organised the event (pictured introducing the evening) and everyone who supported us! The picture below is of Soroptimist Club Members helping on the night – including adding £150 to the proceeds from the raffle – great work ladies.      Charity Night in aid of   . Soroptimist International St Albans and District Women Serving the St Albans Community Since 1957 The Club will celebrate its Diamond Anniversary in April 2017, and this event is a “60 for 60” production……..

Birth Companions: Pregnancy in Prison – the harsh truth

Birth Companions: Pregnancy in Prison – the harsh truth

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St Albans & District Soroptimists and guests had an excellent evening where they learnt about what it’s like to be pregnant in prison. Both speakers were subject matter experts, and were keen to tell us about the Birth Charter for women in prisons in England and Wales being launched on May 26th – there is a link on the page to get on the mailing list to receive the document. Pregnant Mothers often feel dehumanised, many already have mental health issues and the way they are treated through pregnancy, birth and postnatally can lead to worsening mental and physical wellbeing. Our speakers (pictured right) were Laura Abbott, Senior Lecturer in Midwifery, University of Herts who shared her research which provides a vivid picture of life for pregnant women in prison and Naomi Delap, Director of the Charity, Birth Companions who explained how their volunteers seek to alleviate some

Curry Night FUNdraiser for St Albans for Refugees

Curry Night FUNdraiser for St Albans for Refugees

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Soroptimists Amanda Brown, Janet Audley-Charles, Sally Graham and Ameeta Sabharwal had great fun when they attended the STAR St Albans for Refugees fundraising curry night at the Abbey Spice Restaurant in St Albans on Sunday 15th of May. Farhat ZIa from the Hertforshire Asian Women’s Association invited us along. The restaurant was packed and raised almost £750! Please check the STAR St Albans for Refugees website  for all the great work www, and the facebook page Don’t miss our Club evening on Monday 27 June when we will be hearing from Herts Welcomes Syrian Refugees  

Launch Party for Club’s 60th Year at AGM

Launch Party for Club’s 60th Year at AGM

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Women serving the St Albans Community since 1957! The St Albans and District Soroptimists sparked off their 60th diamond year at their AGM and annual Club birthday party. President Denise launched the exciting diamond year ahead and plans for ’60 for 60′ where we will complete 60 projects in our 60th year (large and small, fun and more serious) see President’s Message See the programme of events for our diamond year Pictured here are Club President Denise Powell (centre right), Regional President Pam Robertson (right of Denise), Helen Byrne Membership Officer (far right) – with five of our ten fabulous new Members recruited in the Club year 2015/16 (Alka, Aanda, Allyson, Katherine and Sarah)! Joan Williams, the Club’s longest serving Member presented Denise with a framed photo to thank her for being such a terrific President last year. The Club was very sorry that Helen Francis is retiring