Are you ready for that question when Dave writes his quiz?!
He clearly didn’t feel that he’d seen quite enough birds at Liwonde so we drive further North to Lake Malawi. We only get a bit lost getting out of the Game Reserve and don’t encounter any elephants.
We find a lovely tranquil lodge on the lakeside but I’m afraid that as they haven’t any power or running water we decide to move. I’ve never had such bizarre conversations as I ring round to book alternative accommodation.
– have you got a double room for tonight?
– have you got running water?
– have you got hot water for a shower?
– have you got power?
Wifi isn’t even discussed.
Funny how your priorities change over what you can and can’t do without. We’re lucky we have a choice and can change where we stay
We walk along the beach and have a paddle, it’s almost like being by the sea.

I read the notice in our room, the local children are at risk of Bilharzia from the aquatic snails in the lake, easily treatable but beyond the finances of many. I’ve met a young boy at the Children’s Hospital who’s being treated for a snake bite. Childhood in Malawi is a lot more hazardous than the UK.
The drive back is uneventful apart from Dave surprising the locals by suddenly stopping the car every now and then when he spots a bird. Oh and a running repair he makes to re-attach his seatbelt.

We detour via Balaka to buy their local jam. I’m hoping that some of my Soroptimist Sisters can use it when they next hold a coffee morning to raise funds towards training the nurses to care for sick children.

Hint hint Daphne!