Despite the restrictions due to Covid 19 we’re most definitely carrying on as women of action!
We’ve taken part in a host of activities to educate, enable and empower ourselves and support our local community and generally wave the flag to ‘Stand Up for Women’. We marked the SIGBI Day of Action by posting on our Social Media to great local effect. We’ve achieved another first for our Club in the world of culture. And reflected on how Lockdown has affected ourselves and our actions.
A spot of virtual theatre in action to educate ourselves
We enjoyed a first by watching a two handed performance live over Zoom.
It had been devised, rehearsed and produced in lockdown again all by the wonders of Zoom.

Celebrating SIGBI Day of Action 18th July
With Covid 19 upsetting all our plans, SIGBI changed this year’s theme from Climate Change to #SoroptimistsConnect.
Our Club decided to connect with our local community by supporting the local foodbank. Many of us gave the money that we would have spent at our July meetings. The final total was a magnificent £700. President Gill met with Andy Bower from the Trussell Trust. Andy asked for our donation to be given in cash rather than goods. Sadly they are expecting a spike in demand from the end of August into the autumn as the furlough arrangements come to an end. This will help them fill any gaps.
If you want to find out more about what other Clubs got up to, watch this short video from SIGBI
We haven’t forgotten about Climate Change. We’ll be looking at what our Club members are doing to reduce single use plastics later in the year.
And what were our thoughts about this time 19 weeks ago?
At the start of Lockdown some members accepted the challenge to express their thoughts in 19 words. Here they are.
I wonder how you are feeling today? What sort of day is it for you?
Thankful for sunshine, and now the rain, frustrated by technology but frustration released by singing with my chorus
What are you feeling in lock down?
Grateful – for health and environment, for all key workers. Missing being with and hugging family and friends
What have you been doing in lock down?
Appreciating nature, walking, gardening, spending too much time on the computer – (can’t walk to work meetings!) Cooking for Molly
Walking, talking,
Reading, feeding,
Cooking, looking,
Zooming, brooming,
Filing, dialling,
Digging, jigging,
Decorating, chocolating,
Onlining, pining,
Hair despair.
Lately I have been zooming, baking, emailing, learning history, watching streamed plays and sewing some scrubs bags.
Walking; Zooming (exercise classes, quizzes); WhatsApp-ing (laughs, chats); Cooking (Molly’s Meals); Virtual theatre-going (thank you NT and others streaming).
Missing hugs, my best friend’s funeral. Grateful for internet, exercise outside, garden, NHS, keyworkers, rainbows. Still hate housework!
Spring blossoms its way
Unused to being welcomed
By weekly applause
Sewing scrubs bags, learning web editing skills, jogging (intermittently), cycling without traffic, eating too much, gardening, bread making, zooming
Stayed in touch using with friends and family , enjoyed daily exercise including getting my bike back on the road
Reflecting, cogitating, musing, learning, listening, chatting, gardening, walking, house hunting, sunbathing, knitting, writing, spending, shopping, cleaning, thinking, discovering, deciding, sleeping.
Sunny days, lazy days
Sometimes feeling down days
Reading and jigsaws days
Cheering Captain Tom days
Counting blessings days!
Missing: kids, grandchildren, friends, golf
Love: reading, jigsaws, long phone conversations, long emails, cards, re-vamping garden furniture, proper meal planning and managing zero waste, reminiscing, Grey’s Anatomy….again! Di Nash
Zooming, laughing, chatting, walking, crocheting, clapping, expanding knowledge, crying, reconnecting, podcasts, Netflix, will witnessing, sharing, resilience, cancellations, adjusting, stillness.