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Where Could This Be?

Almost Anywhere in the World!

We’re an international organisation of women volunteers so you’ll find us at work in over 3000 clubs – from Krakow to Delhi, from Edinburgh to Johannesburg, from Colombia to Christchurch and all points in between!

We all work to support and empower women and girls at a local, national and international level. We do that by campaigning on issues like FGM and Modern Slavery or by raising awareness of ways to combat Violence Against Women and Girls. We support microfinancing women entrepreneurs and farmers to help create successful, healthy communities throughout the world.

And we also raise money to help us do more!

One of our biggest fundraisers is our Plant Stall at the annual Kenilworth Lions’ Grand Show. But this year we were in danger of falling far below the usual abundance of fabulous plants that Kenilworth has come to expect of us – our generous local supplier couldn’t help us with their donation of plants this year!

What Could We Do?

We’re Soroptimists – We Set to Work!




We grew herbs from seed
and divided hostas, montbretia and iris from our own gardens.






We sent for plug plants and potted them on, grew tomatoes from seedlings and rescued shrubs from the sale sections of garden centres.

         When the day came, we were ready – and even a downpour couldn’t dampen our spirits!


We were kept busy all day with sales to our community, local councillors and our local MP – all keen to get a great plant sale bargain!

We were especially grateful to one of our local plant nurseries for their donation of extra plants for our stall and a fabulous flower filled planter as our raffle prize. Here’s Co-President Amanda with the lucky winner.
From a time in February when we thought we would not have enough plants to fill our stall in June, the hard work of members in gardens and greenhouses paid off handsomely. We made even more money this year than last! More funds to help support women and girls in places such as our local women’s refuge and to continue our support for sick children in Malawi.

You can read more about the work of our local refuge here  –

And about ‘Friends of Sick Children in Malawi’ here  –

Here We Are – Soroptimists At Work.

And Having A Great Time!