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Saturday evening – Barn Dance and ‘peeling the banana’!

Saturday evening – Barn Dance and ‘peeling the banana’!


To add to the general fun and merriment of the weekend, we decided organise a Barn Dance with live band and caller as a quintessential British activity to teach our Dutch and German sisters how to dance!   Only a few toes were trod on and there was much hilarity all round. We all learnt a new step called ‘peel your banana’, which mainly involved running around the line of participants in your group as fast as possible to get back to the start!   Chaos and mayhem which provided much amusement for those watching. Which way now?!!!             And of course, some cake!

June Dinner Meeting – A truly inspiring and Soroptimist affirming talk

June Dinner Meeting – A truly inspiring and Soroptimist affirming talk


We welcomed Midland Arden Region President Jan Hemlin to our June dinner meeting.  She gave us a very interesting and informative talk about her journey as a Soroptimist so far.   Amongst the highlights were her descriptions of the many Soroptimist International conferences and conventions that she has attended, and the opportunities they offer for networking, development and collaboration. Jan also gave us a clear explanation of Soroptimists involvement in the UN that demonstrated the extensive work done to address the may issues and inequalities that affect women and girls throughout the world. Although Jan delivered some very powerful statements in a gentle but dramatic manner, this just enhanced their message.    

Soroptimists in Action!

Soroptimists in Action!


Our very own Soroptimist in Action Fran ran the 10k Two Castles Race this morning raising over £300 via her JustGiving page for our Wellbeing Fund, supporting the women and children at our local Refuge.   Eight more of us had the rather more sedentary task of raising money by marshalling the event!espite the early start, the weather was kind to us and we were able to cheer everyone on with a smile. 🙂  

Groundforce in action!

Groundforce in action!


Alan Titchmarsh eat your heart out!   A team of us set to and gave Joan a hand to get her garden ready for the summer.   Unfortunately we forgot to take a before picture!   We’ll be back again soon with more plants for her borders and some annuals from our stall at the Lions Grand Show.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

UN Sustainable Development Goals


We were delighted to welcome Ian Holland, Senior Consultant to the United Nations, and his wife Samira to our dinner meeting this month.   Ian has lived and  worked all over the world, often in dangerous countries and indeed had only arrived just back from Jakarta, Indonesia, where he’d had to leave slightly earlier than planned due to the uprisings there due to the elections.   Any jet lag didn’t show and he gave us a very informative talk about the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Like all good speakers, this wasn’t a dry presentation on the 17 Goals, but made lively and interactive by Club members joining in playing SDG bingo!   (Possibly a first for Club, bring prizes added to the competitive spirit and fun!!).   Ian gave us an update on the original 8 Goals 2000-2015 and what has been achieved.  And

Mental Health Awareness Week 13th-19th May

Mental Health Awareness Week 13th-19th May


This year’s emphasis is on body image –  find out more here How does body image affect mental health? Having body image concerns is a relatively common experience and is not a mental health problem in and of itself; however, it can be a risk factor for mental health problems. Research has found that higher body dissatisfaction is associated with a poorer quality of life, psychological distress and the risk of unhealthy eating behaviours and eating disorders. Higher body dissatisfaction is associated with a poorer quality of life, psychological distress and the risk of unhealthy eating behaviours and eating disorders.

Civic Event to celebrate our 50th year of Charter

Civic Event to celebrate our 50th year of Charter


On Friday President Sandra and Club members were delighted to enjoy the company of our MP, the Rt Hon Jeremy Wright QC, Town Mayor of Kenilworth Mike Hitchins  and many friends from other voluntary organisations in Kenilworth to celebrate our 50th birthday.   We were also pleased that Isobel Smith, President Elect of Soroptimists International Great Britain and Ireland, and Jan Hemlin, President of Midland Arden Region Soroptimists were able to join us. As we are not a large fund raising organisation, we were especially grateful to Gordon Henderson, President of Kenilworth Lions, for presenting us with a cheque for £1000 from their Dream Scheme. The money will be put towards our ‘wellbeing’ fund for the local women’s refuge, enabling children to have some our of school activities such as swimming and music lessons, new school uniform, and perhaps some well deserved pamper sessions for