Despite the sudden end to the summer and the arrival of rain, over 30 of us enjoyed a very sociable afternoon thanks to the organisation and efforts of Yvonne, Marjorie , Gill Boden. We were also pleased to welcome Ann and her husband Rob from our sister Soroptimists, Cardiff.
We had a very happy time sampling the various apple themed food and drinks that members brought, in fact I’m sure some of our Soroptimists should enter the Great British Bake Off. Rebecca’s quiz caused much merriment especially as it required Liam to find a tie breaker, whilst Gill’s ‘guess the variety of apple’ demonstrated just how many types there are.
Although it was not intended to be a fund raising event, with the sale of Yvonne’s apple recipe book, and donations for the food and drink, we raised £105. This will be put towards the Malawi Project.
And finally, from Yvonne’s sheet of apple sayings –
He who will not a wife wed, must eat a cold apple when he goeth to bed – apples were supposed to have a similar effect to cold baths!