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AGM 2019

President Kam welcomed new member Kath Whittingham – former Head of Democratic Service of a Local Authority.

Retiring President Kam Britland welcomed new President Sue Manchester.

Some of the memorable initiatives were noted as follows during President Kam’s year 2018/19

  1. Over £2,000 were raised from the Annual Quiz & during International Womens day’s at Springwater Restaurant for the two charities (Mental Health & Mercy Malaysia).
  2. The hosting of the March Regional Meeting received positive comments.
  3. Two new members joined our club.
  4. The Centenary of the end of WW 1 Remembrance Sunday. Pres Kam laid a wreath on our behalf at the Mansfield Civic Cenotaph and some of us followed the parade to the St Peter’s & St Paul’s church.
  5. An official roof slate with our club’s name inscribed was purchased after the summer trip to Wentworth Woodhouse to help with the preservation of the grand house in South Yorkshire.

A delighted Past President Kam said. “What a triumph! The success exceeded my expectations despite my personal circumstances, am truly grateful for the support and friendships throughout, my beloved Paul would be so very proud”.

Welcome to our new President Sue Manchester

Her Theme for the year is “Women who have achieved in what was a man’s world”.

The Charities are ‘The Eve Appeal’ investigation into all 5 gynecological cancers and ‘The Acoustic Neuroma Association’ – why and how these normally benign tumors develop.