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Soroptimist say CUT IT OUT.

Maasai Warriors Cricket thValentine Nkoyo was invited to be our guest speaker at a recent meeting to talk about FGM, Female Genital Mutilation. A beautiful intelligent woman who herself had been subjected to this barbaric practice, as a nine year old. Describing in great detail the various degrees of cuttings that is perpetrated on young defenceless  girls, who are then married off to  older men, denying them an education and a chance to realise their dreams.

This practice is far more widespread than what members realised. There is no religious requirement, it is a cultural tradition that is usually carried out by the elders of the village or tribe.  It could be the child’s own mother, grandmother or aunt. The degree of cutting is staged 1,2,or3, with 3 being the total excision of all their genitalia and being stitched from the Pubic area to the vagina. A small hole is left so that urine can trickle out. Sexual activity is extremely painful and child bearing being so traumatic that the tissues can rupture.

This practice must count as one of the greatest injustices against these girls. This practice is illegal in Britain and yet it is known that this practice is being carried out here, cutters being flown in to do the dastardly deed or the girl is flown out of the country to receive this trauma.  Prosecution is rare and requires vigilance on the part of teaches, nurses, doctors and social workers It is encouraging to note that some heads of state or Presidents are declaring the practice illegal. The Masai cricket team known as the Warriors International Cricket Team are publicly speaking out against FGM. and campaigning to stop this practice and supporting girls to access an education

Current trends if not stopped means an estimated 86 million girls will suffer this trauma by 2030. One thing we could do is educate and examine these girls on a annual basis, France manages too monitor these girls.