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Annual Quiz night 2013

Annual Quiz night 2013


The Clubs Annual Quiz night was well attended by 150 Guests, as usual, the event was organised, and orchestrated, by our own member, Ann Bull and her husband Mike The Quiz was in 2 parts, with supper served in between, the Pie, chips and peas were very welcome on a cold night, and many of those present, commented that the steak pie was the best yet!                 Ticket sales and the generous raffle, raised £1,050.00 towards President Wendy’s Charities, The Bluebell Hospice, and ‘Partner’, a project for Women in India.                                                     Well done!, to Anne, Mike and also Ann and Tony, who selflessly devote their time and effort, to make it a warm, fun occasion

Craft Fair

Craft Fair


Sunday March 3rd 2013, saw our 3rd Craft Fair, as always, held in the Ravenshead Village Hall. Whilst footfall was less than previous years, members are pleased with the outcome, and all enjoyed the day. Fabulous cakes on the stall, and served from the kitchen, delicious soup for lunch, endless coffee and tea, and an interesting selection of stallholders with their wares, made for a warm friendly ambience. With customers bagging bargains and enjoying refreshments before they departed, proceeds are around £800.00 for the Presidents Charities

Fashion Show

Fashion Show


Friday 26th October, President Wendy, organised a Fashion Show at the Sherwood Community Hall, Dunsil Rd. Mansfield Woodhouse. The fashions were provided by SOS Fashions, and 6 members and 2 young friends volunteered to model, from the extensive range, suitable for sizes small, to outsize. Approximately 120 guests attended and enjoyed the chance to view, then try, the garments on offer. Tea, coffee and biscuits were served by our stalwart, hospitality team members, and a brisk flow of business commenced for the fashions. The Club has raised £639.00 from the sale of tickets, which will be given to the, Presidents Charities




An Edwardian Fashion Show is to be held on Tuesday April 9th at 7.30pm, at the Ravenshead Village Hall, Vernon Crescent, Ravenshead. NG15 9BN. It will be presented by Notty Hornblower who has a Costume Museum just outside Ashbourne in Derbyshire, this promises to be a good evenings entertainment. Tickets are £6 and includes tea and coffee with a selection of homemade cakes

55th Charter Dinner Celebrations

55th Charter Dinner Celebrations


On Friday 5th October, the Clubs Charter Dinner took place at the Hostess Restaurant, Nettleworth, which was attended by 86 members and guests. President Wendy, had chosen to make a departure from our usual Sunday lunch Celebrations, in favour of a Friday evening, at a different venue.  This proved to be an excellent choice.  Well done Wendy! The tables as always, looked lovely, with the beautiful floral arrangements in gold, with tall blue candles, lit, and arranged by our own Soroptimist member and past president Anne Bull. We were very pleased to welcome members from six other Clubs, Chesterfield, Nottingham, Derby, Leicester, Buxton and Peterborough. The meal, which was delicious, was followed by some interactive entertainment, provided by Historical Novelist, Sue Allen, who was in full medieval costume, and with a dark tale to tell! An evening filled with friendship, chat, good food, wine, and

2012 Summer Outing.

2012 Summer Outing.


Saturday the 4th of August, saw 44 members, spouses  and friends, meet at Tissington in Derbyshire, for the Club’s summer outing. A fine sunny day, with a guided tour of the Hall and gardens, gave us some excellent photographic opportunities, and the chance to ‘bone’ up on one of our National Treasures. The guides were interesting, informative, and very knowledgeable about the origins of the Hall, the families who had lived there, and the fortunes (or not!), of the different Generations, connected to Tissington. From the Hall, we all made our way, to the Bluebell Inn where a very welcomed lunch was served, After lunch, the day continued with a visit to Alstonfield Church, just a few miles away, to enjoy the beautiful floral extravaganza, within the Church. The theme for this Flower Festival was World War 2, and impressive tableaux were displayed, showing the

Freeplay Foundation

Freeplay Foundation


Freeplay Foundation was a chosen charity of a past president which the club supported  during her term of office,  enough funds were raised to purchase over 100 Lifeline  radios The Lifeline is a self-powered radio designed specifically for children living on their own. They are able to receive distance education and other humanitarian projects. Robustly constructed to operate in the harshest of conditions and climates, the Lifeline radio is rugged, colourful, easy to use and carry, receives excellent AM/FM/SW and plays for many hours non-stop on wind-up energy or solar power.  




Mansfield SI provides ‘AQUA BOXES’, to deprived countries, the club fills each ‘AQUA BOX’  with humanitarian aid.  Mansfield SI endeavours to supply two of these boxes each year. This scheme is co-ordinated through the local Rotarian Society An AQUABOX, a robust plastic tank with water  purification tablets and packed with essential welfare items for a disaster situation. Once the welfare contents have been removed, each AQUABOX can be used to  purify up to 1100 litres of polluted water, making it safe and pleasant to drink. As an example, 1100 litres is equal to 5,000 cups – that is enough for a family of four people (drinking 10 cups per day) for about four months    

Pump Aid

Pump Aid


This venture was Mansfield &  District SI Golden Jubilee project, to provide pumps through Pump Aid.    The benefits are  providing safe clean drinking water and water for crop irrigation. The pumps are easy to construct, use and maintain. The Elephant Pump was developed and tested in Zimbabwe by Pump Aid and is based on a 2000 year old Chinese design. It is constructed from basic materials, using a very simple design, it is very durable and can be maintained by local people.