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Bunting in support of Ukraine
Support Ukrainian Refugees

Support Ukrainian Refugees

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An idea for an immediate fundraising project: why not create strips of blue and yellow bunting for people to buy and display in support of the Ukrainian people, using the funds raised to support refugee projects locally or with our sister Clubs in Eastern Europe? Wouldn’t it be great to see lots of front windows decorated in support of Ukraine?  Don’t forget to do a PFRF! Making instructions: Materials required: Yellow and blue cotton or polycotton is recommended. You can get about 100 flags from 1m of 1.5m width of material.  Bias binding – 2m for 10 flags Create a template – recommended 12cm x 15cm Fold material in half and use the template to mark cutting lines Use pinking shears to cut out Pin flags into fold of bias binding.  Leave about 6cm between each one.  10 flags for 2m stretch. Stitch all the way

Salisbury Women’s Football

Salisbury Women’s Football

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By kind permission of Salisbury FC, Salisbury Women’s Football team will play Highworth Town Lions Ladies at the Ray Mac Stadium on Sunday 10 April. Entry is free and kickoff is at 2pm. The bar will be open and tea and coffee will be available. There will be information on the Salisbury Women’s Safety Initiative and on the White Ribbon campaign, which aims to promote positive attitudes and behaviours of men and boys on preventing abuse and violence against women and girls. All welcome!  

Night audit of Salisbury streets
Salisbury Night-time Street Audits

Salisbury Night-time Street Audits

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The first two in a series of night-time street audits took place on 16 and 17 March. This is one of the activities identified in the action plan from our Women’s Safety Conference in November. Members of the Club and members of Safer and Supportive Salisbury  were joined by members of the public, city and county officials and City Councillors Chris Stanway and Paul Sample. Accompanied by a PCSO, members of the group walked the city streets checking on the perceived night-time safety of Salisbury’s streets and open spaces. The audit looked at street lighting, CCTV coverage, graffiti, underpasses, open spaces and car parks. As a result, issues identified in the audits have been immediately logged with Wiltshire Council; so far comprising some 27 reports of streetlights not working and one report of graffiti. A report is being prepared on all the issues the groups identified,

Breaking the Bias
Breaking the Bias!

Breaking the Bias!

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Members of SI Salisbury added their voice to the international call to ‘Break the Bias’ on International Women’s Day this year. Members of the Club celebrated the date at a special Club dinner in their usual meeting place, the Red Lion. Members join with Soroptimists worldwide to celebrate women’s achievement and raising awareness against bias. Our work also takes action for equality and makes a positive difference for women.               At our monthly meeting in February we were joined by two members of our Friendship Link Club, SI Chisinau, Moldova by Zoom link. Club President Stela and member Lucia (pictured above) told us how members are working tirelessly to support and help refugees from the Ukraine flooding over the border into their country. They told us that some 700,000 Ukrainian refugees, mostly women and children, are already in Moldova

Make a difference this New Year!

Make a difference this New Year!

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New Year’s Resolutions? How about: join an inspiring group of local women, make new friends, get involved with local national and international projects that are making a real difference to the lives of women and girls? Your membership links you to a worldwide organisation of women with special status at the UN. Wherever you visit in the world, you will have the chance to meet up with likeminded women and learn about their lives. Get involved with one of our Club projects: Women’s Safety Initiative, working in partnership across Salisbury to make the city safer for women and girls Our annual STEM Challenge to encourage girls in local schools to consider careers in STEM subjects. Working to support our local women’s refuge with funding, donated items and hands on help Supporting the Heshima project run by EdUKaid in Tanzania to educate girls about their bodies,

Zoom Christmas party
Christmas – but not as we planned it!

Christmas – but not as we planned it!


We had planned a proper Christmas meal this year – to make up for the lack of one in 2020, but with the recent surge in Covid cases, we took the difficult decision to postpone the planned dinner until the New Year. So we took to Zoom (again) to wish each other a happy Christmas and a dozen of our members can be seen here doing just that. President (and quizmaster) Eleanor got our brain cells working with a Christmas quiz (well done Julia for getting the most questions right) and then did a couple of rounds of  ‘Have you ever…I have never’, allowing several of us to share memories of Christmases past, places around the world where we spent them and Christmas customs from home and abroad. It all put us in the festive spirit and we send best wishes to all Club members,

Orange the World
Oranging Salisbury!

Oranging Salisbury!


Members of SI Salisbury spent a very chilly Sunday raising awareness of domestic abuse as part of #OrangetheWorld 16 days of activism against women and girls. There was a great deal of interest from men as well as women, as well as good feedback on the recent community conference we held in partnership with Safer and Supportive Salisbury. This year the Club chose the theme of ‘signposting’ the signs of abuse to raise awareness, because individuals and those who support them do not always recognise the symptoms of a bad relationship until too late. The stall  received interest from both men and women and the orange balloons and fresh oranges were a great hit with youngsters.       Goodie bags were handed out which included bookmarks on what a heathy relationship looks like, a useful list of contacts for the support services that are

Christmas Tree Festival - Moldova
Our Friendship Christmas Tree

Our Friendship Christmas Tree


This year our theme for our Club Christmas tree in the St Thomas Christmas Tree Festival is Friendship. We were delighted to use this opportunity to celebrate our Friendship Link with SI Chisinau in Moldova. Club member Jane met up with the Moldovan members on a recent visit and was able to bring back these beautiful local decorations.  The Moldovan flag makes a colourful addition and the clasped hands of friendship show our commitment to each other across the miles.       Well done to the Christmas Tree project team, seen here relaxing with a coffee now the tree is safely in place and looking stunning. Well done all!   You can go along to view the tree (and all the others too) the festival is open: 30th November to 5th December 2021 10am – 6pm Mon – Sat and 12pm – 6pm Sunday

Annual Quiz Night

Annual Quiz Night


Thinking caps were firmly on the heads of all members of the eight teams who entered SI Salisbury’s fourth annual quiz night. The grand sum of £870 was raised, of which £300 will go to EdUKaid to continue our sponsorship of a girls club in Tanzania. The balance will go to support  the Salisbury Women’s Refuge.   You could hear the cogs turning as the teams vied against each other to answer questions on a wide range of topics ranging from sport, music, gardens and gardeners, famous sisters, history makers and the year 1921 (for obvious reasons!) as well as a picture quiz and a country quiz. Congratulations to Flamboyance, the winning team.     There was a wide range of raffle prizes provided by generous local donors as well as a well stocked bar. The evening’s nutrition was provided for the quizzers in the

Feeling Safe in Salisbury

Feeling Safe in Salisbury

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Some 80 people gathered at The Chapel in Salisbury on Thursday 18 November for a community conference to discuss how we can make our city safer for women and girls – and by so doing, make it safer for everyone. In her introductory remarks SI Salisbury President Eleanor said: “For those of us who have been organising the event, we have always been interested in women’s issues and in safety. So when there was national outpouring of concerns about women’s safety back in March, triggered by the terrible murder of Sarah Everard, we decided we wanted to make this a moment that mattered and to use it to inspire change in Salisbury.” She went on to say: “So the aim of the event today, is to create an action plan that we can all take forward and commit to together.   We want to focus on