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High Sheriff of Wiltshire learning about activites of SI Salisbury at event in Salisbury Guildhall

Promoting the Women’s Safety Initiative

Recent local events have provided opportunities for members of the Club to promote the Women’s Safety Initiative. Lady Lansdowne, the High Sheriff of Wiltshire. is pictured here with Julia West, our incoming Communications Officer, learning about the project at the Mental Health Showcase at Salisbury’s

Alice Ruggles Trust

Stop Stalking

At our February meeting we heard from Victoria Charleston of the Alice Ruggles Trust about their work to publicise the danger signs of coercive control and stalking. They aim to help victims and their friends recognise these signs and act upon them. You can help


Supporting Ukraine via Moldova

At our February meeting we were able to Zoom our sister organisation in Moldova to hear about their work with Ukrainian refugees passing through and staying in their country. Moldova is a very poor country and many can ill afford extra mouths to feed. Soroptimists

Bunting in support of Ukraine

Support Ukrainian Refugees

An idea for an immediate fundraising project: why not create strips of blue and yellow bunting for people to buy and display in support of the Ukrainian people, using the funds raised to support refugee projects locally or with our sister Clubs in Eastern Europe?

Salisbury Women’s Football

By kind permission of Salisbury FC, Salisbury Women’s Football team will play Highworth Town Lions Ladies at the Ray Mac Stadium on Sunday 10 April. Entry is free and kickoff is at 2pm. The bar will be open and tea and coffee will be available.

Night audit of Salisbury streets

Salisbury Night-time Street Audits

The first two in a series of night-time street audits took place on 16 and 17 March. This is one of the activities identified in the action plan from our Women’s Safety Conference in November. Members of the Club and members of Safer and Supportive

Breaking the Bias

Breaking the Bias!

Members of SI Salisbury added their voice to the international call to ‘Break the Bias’ on International Women’s Day this year. Members of the Club celebrated the date at a special Club dinner in their usual meeting place, the Red Lion. Members join with Soroptimists

Make a difference this New Year!

New Year’s Resolutions? How about: join an inspiring group of local women, make new friends, get involved with local national and international projects that are making a real difference to the lives of women and girls? Your membership links you to a worldwide organisation of

Zoom Christmas party

Christmas – but not as we planned it!

We had planned a proper Christmas meal this year – to make up for the lack of one in 2020, but with the recent surge in Covid cases, we took the difficult decision to postpone the planned dinner until the New Year. So we took

Orange the World

Oranging Salisbury!

Members of SI Salisbury spent a very chilly Sunday raising awareness of domestic abuse as part of #OrangetheWorld 16 days of activism against women and girls. There was a great deal of interest from men as well as women, as well as good feedback on