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What is Ask for ANI?

What is Ask for ANI?

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Briefing for local partners on Ask for ANI domestic abuse codeword scheme FINAL 2 These materials provide background information on domestic abuse and allow staff to feel confident responding to Ask for ANI alongside Safe Spaces requests. Staff should view all the training materials on this page so that they know what to do when they receive an Ask for ANI request. The training information explains how Ask for ANI and Safe Spaces can work together. Staff can print the training leaflet and use it as a quick reference in the consultation room if someone requests support using the Ask for ANI codeword. Pharmacies should also make sure they are familiar with the information provided on the UK SAYS NO MORE website. Documents Understanding domestic abuse for the Ask for ANI domestic abuse codeword scheme PDF, 1.43MB, 20 pages Training information for Ask for ANI and Safe Spaces

Age UK
Good News from Age UK

Good News from Age UK

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AGE UK Happily, we have some brilliant news to share – UK has had a campaign win! Thanks to you, older people who have faced domestic abuse will finally be recognised. At the moment, official domestic abuse statistics don’t count anyone over 74, meaning older victims and survivors risk being forgotten about and overlooked. The Office of National Statistics and the Government have listened to your campaigning and data will now be collected on all victims and survivors of domestic abuse, whatever their age. Campaigners like you made sure this ageism couldn’t be ignored, and it paid off. You can read Age UK’s full response here:—national-crime-survey-will-now-record-data-on-domestic-abuse-for-those-aged-75/?utm_source=DA-14012021&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=DA&utm_auk_reference=CON-14535019 We are so proud that we’ve achieved this change which will make a real difference for many older people. It’s a great start to our year of campaigning.

Good news! Non-fatal strangulation is to become a separate offence

Good news! Non-fatal strangulation is to become a separate offence

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Congratulations to all those who wrote to government ministers and peers in support of Non fatal strangulation becoming a separate offence. Non-fatal strangulation is set to become criminal offence in England and Wales.  Perpetrators could face up to seven years in prison after sustained campaign from victims and activists The government is set to make non-fatal strangulation a specific criminal offence, with perpetrators facing up to seven years in prison after a sustained campaign from victims and activists. The justice secretary, Robert Buckland, is hoping to add a new offence to a police and sentencing bill next month, it is understood.  Campaigners had pushed for a change in the law via the domestic abuse bill, with Lady Newlove, former victims’ commissioner putting down an amendment last Tuesday when the bill came to the House of Lords.  Current victims’ commissioner for England and Wales, Dame Vera Baird QC, called non-fatal

We can all do something simple to help fight against Climate Change

We can all do something simple to help fight against Climate Change

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 This year COP 26 = ‘Conference of the Parties’ is taking place in Glasgow from 1st November to 12th November. Delayed from last year, it is under the presidency of the UK Government in partnership with Italy. The theme is ‘Uniting the world to tackle Climate Change’ and the talks will bring together heads of state, climate experts and campaigners to agree co-ordinated action to tackle climate change and inspire action. It is expected to be the biggest summit the UK has ever hosted and attended by countries that signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – a treaty agreed in 1994. What can we do? 1. You can use your voice. It is humans that are destroying the world. By speaking up, especially to your MP or MSP. This is one of the most powerful things that you can do. Ask

Domestic Abuse Bill – House of Lords, Second Reading

Domestic Abuse Bill – House of Lords, Second Reading

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  Update on plans to take forward the statutory defence proposals in the upcoming Second Reading of the Domestic Abuse Bill in the House of Lords on Tuesday 5 January. Baroness Helena Kennedy will be tabling the amendments and plans to speak in support of them during Tuesday’s debate, along with other supportive peers and the Rt Reverend Rachel Treweek, Lord Bishop of Gloucester (and Bishop for Prisons). I attach an updated short briefing and a copy of the amendments in full. Section 45 proposal has been amended to align it even more closely with section 45 itself, by changing the wording of the ‘reasonableness’ test at sub-clause (1)(d) back to the original wording in section 45 – so that in order to succeed, it must be found that a reasonable person with the relevant characteristics ‘would have no realistic alternative to doing that act’.

Plastic Free Supermarket Petition

Plastic Free Supermarket Petition

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Please sign petition UK supermarkets currently generate 900,000 tonnes of plastic packaging every year. But our oceans can’t stomach any more plastic! Some supermarkets have trialled and announced plastic reduction measures, but we need industry-wide action across the UK. Add your name to the petition and tell UK supermarkets to ditch throwaway plastic packaging. From turtles entangled in six pack rings to whales with stomachs full of plastic bags, the effects of plastic pollution can be devastating. UK supermarket Iceland has just announced its own-brand packaging is going plastic-free. By ditching plastic packaging, supermarkets have the power to lead the way in dramatically reducing the amount of single-use plastic produced. Please join us in calling on UK supermarkets to ditch throwaway plastic packaging. Sign the petition >>

Climate crisis
Climate Crisis Declaration

Climate Crisis Declaration

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This time next year November 2021 world leaders will be coming together in Glasgow for a global summit that could make or break efforts to tackle the climate crisis.  But we can’t wait until next year to stand with those farmers and workers already feeling the worst effects of that crisis. Now is the time to push for radical, urgent action on a global scale. It’s time to sign the Climate Declaration.  Both SIGBI and UKPAC have signed the Climate Declaration.  You can too individually or as a group. If you are part of a Fairtrade Community group, or a Fairtrade faith group, you can sign up together. Just select ‘I am a community, faith, school or sports group’ before signing. Like many other rural workers in the Global South, Ivorian Cocoa Farmer Ebrottié is already finding increasingly unpredictable seasons, more common plant diseases and erratic

Good practice regional newsletters

Good practice regional newsletters

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Devolved governments by Scotland North It can be a mine field looking at the different laws in our four UK Countries.  Spotlight on News26[9848]  On pages 4 and 5, you will see reports on two different  Cross Party Groups.  The first report is on an issue which is  not devolved to the Scottish Government. I wonder how many Soroptimists know that the section in the Digital Economy Act (passed at Westminster) tackling age verification for pornography is not law. The second Group re Health sets out the strategy in Scotland for 2020 – 2023. Midland Chase Programme Action Report 2019-20 Programme Action Newsletter 2019-20

Domestic Abuse Bill Campaign for an offence of non-fatal strangulation to save lives

Domestic Abuse Bill Campaign for an offence of non-fatal strangulation to save lives

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  Summary This campaign is calling for a free-standing offence of non-fatal strangulation1 or suffocation to be added to the Bill. This can be done in the House of Lords where it will start its progress at a date yet to be fixed, but expected to be either this month or next.  Non-fatal strangulation is a frequent tool of coercive control used against women by men. It is a threat to do serious harm or to kill but which often leaves no mark. Police do not take it seriously if there is no injury. Yet its use increases 8 fold the risk that the victim will ultimately be killed by the perpetrator. Sometimes there are injuries though they are not visible and women can suffer considerable damage.  Please read the following briefing: ukpac stangulation briefing 131020 The Victims Commissioner for England and Wales, the Designate Domestic Abuse Commissioner, the Centre for Women’s Justice